Home » The Iranian regime accused Israel and the United States for the explosions that left 95 dead and threatened them

The Iranian regime accused Israel and the United States for the explosions that left 95 dead and threatened them

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The Iranian regime accused Israel and the United States for the explosions that left 95 dead and threatened them

Iran accuses Israel and the United States of being behind the explosions during General Soleimani’s anniversary that left 95 dead

Iran has once again accused Israel and the United States of being behind the explosions that took place during a gathering at the Kerman Martyrs’ Cemetery on the fourth anniversary of the death of General Qassem Soleimani. The explosions left at least 95 dead and 200 injured.

“Washington says the United States and Israel had nothing to do with the terrorist attack in Kerman, Iran. Really? (…) Make no mistake, the responsibility for this crime falls on the American and Zionist regimes, and terrorism is just a tool,” declared Mohammad Jamshidi, a senior advisor to President Ebrahim Raisi.

President Raisi extended his condolences to the victims and demanded that the authorities take urgent measures to identify the culprits and make them pay for their actions.

“Without a doubt, the masterminds of this cowardly act will soon be identified and brought to justice by security and law enforcement forces,” he said in a message, insisting that attacks like this increase the conviction of his country with its principles.

So far, Israel has not commented on these accusations while the United States has, distancing itself from the acts.

“It looks like a terrorist attack, the kind of thing ISIS (Islamic State) has done in the past. That is our ongoing assumption at this time,” said a Joe Biden Administration official.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller had called the Iranian theory “ridiculous.” “The United States was not involved in any way and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. We have no reason to believe that Israel was involved in this explosion. We have no information to believe that is the case,” he said in a press conference.

Two explosions were recorded in the province of Kerman, in the south of the country, during the commemoration event. It is believed that the explosives had been placed in several bags that were deployed in the area and were activated by remote control.

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This incident raised tension even more after Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas accused Israel – and ultimately the United States for its support and presence in the region – of Saleh’s death. Arouri, one of the Hamas leaders in Beirut.

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