Home » The law on brushing your teeth while fasting in the month of Ramadan, does it make you invalid?

The law on brushing your teeth while fasting in the month of Ramadan, does it make you invalid?

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The law on brushing your teeth while fasting in the month of Ramadan, does it make you invalid?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

One of the things that cancels out fasting Ramadan is putting something into the body like through the mouth on purpose. So, what is the law? toothbrush while fasting?

Even though we are fasting, we still have to maintain healthy teeth and mouth by brushing our teeth. This is also useful for maintaining health during fasting.

The reason is, the activity of brushing your teeth requires gargling with water by putting it in your mouth. Apart from that, people usually brush their teeth using toothpaste.



This then raises doubts and questions for many people, does brushing your teeth make your fast invalid?

Ruling on brushing your teeth while fasting

Illustration. It is permissible to brush your teeth while fasting in the month of Ramadan. (pixabay/collusor)

Muhammad Anis Sumaji and Najmuddin Zuhdi in the book 125 Problems of Fasting write that using siwak or something similar, such as a toothbrush with toothpaste, is permissible when fasting.

Toothbrushing, whether using toothpaste or without paste, is permitted because it only involves putting something in the mouth and then taking it out again.

Therefore, brushing the teeth is considered not to invalidate the fast. This opinion also refers to the commentary of Imam Nawawi in Kitab al-Majmu’, syarah al-Muhadzdzab.

In the book, Imam Nawawi explains that someone who uses a wet siwak, then the water separates from the siwak or loose wood branches that are swallowed, then his fast will be broken.

Based on this explanation, brushing your teeth can be considered to break your fast if you swallow paste or water down your throat. If no water is swallowed then brushing your teeth does not break the fast.

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Therefore, people who fast must be careful when brushing their teeth so as not to break the fast.

In addition, according to the Syafi’i Madhab and the Hambali Madhab, brushing the teeth of a person who is fasting when it has passed the time of zuhr is considered makruh. This view is based on the hadith of the Prophet SAW.

“The smell of the mouth of a fasting person is more fragrant in the sight of God than the aroma of musk.” (HR. Bukhari).

Makruh means that it is not a sin if you do it, but if you leave it, it is better and you will get a reward.

Apart from that, citing NU Online, Sheikh Muhammad Nawawi Al-Bantani in Nihayatuz Zain explained that gargling and brushing your teeth when fasting is makruh.

The things that are disliked about fasting are thirteen: one should cleanse oneself after noon

This means, “There are thirteen things that are makruh in fasting. One of them is siwak after zhuhur.”

That is an explanation of the law on brushing your teeth while fasting. Hope it is useful.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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