Home » The outbreak in the UK has risen urgently, and more than 95% of confirmed cases have been infected with the variant virus

The outbreak in the UK has risen urgently, and more than 95% of confirmed cases have been infected with the variant virus

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[New Tang Dynasty Beijing time on June 20, 2021]Delta, a variant strain of the Chinese Communist Party virus (COVID-19) that was first discovered in India, has now spread to more than 80 countries around the world. At present, the United Kingdom has been hit hard by the Delta virus strain. Among the newly confirmed cases, as many as 95% of the confirmed cases are infected with the Delta virus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on the 19th that the Chinese Communist Virus (COVID-19)​India variant Delta has become the main global epidemic, arousing the attention of various countries. The number of confirmed cases in the United Kingdom has also surged recently due to the Delta variant virus. Tiandu broke 10,000 new cases, a record high since February this year.

According to data released by the Department of Public Health of the United Kingdom (PHE), in the week ending on the 8th, there were 33,000 new confirmed cases of the Delta variant virus, an increase of 79% from the previous week. Among the newly confirmed cases, 95% of the confirmed cases were infected with the Delta virus; with the exception of the southwest region, more than 99% of the cases were infected with the Delta variant virus strain.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics of the United Kingdom, 119,000 people have been diagnosed in the UK in a single week as of the 12th, and the number of diagnoses in a single day has also soared in the past few days. According to the latest statistics from the Department of Public Health of the United Kingdom, the number of confirmed cases of the Delta variant virus in a single week has risen from 33,000 in the previous week to nearly 76,000 in the previous week.

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On the 16th, another 9,055 cases were confirmed in the UK, the highest since February 25 this year; the average number in the past week was also as high as 7,888 cases, which was 32% higher than the average of 5,980 cases in the previous week, which was also the highest since March 1 this year. highest.

British authorities said this was caused by the raging delta variant virus in India. The original Congress planned to discuss whether to cancel the epidemic prevention measures, and therefore it was postponed again. It is currently expected to be postponed to July 19.

In addition to the surge in the number of confirmed cases, the number of hospitalized patients has also risen again. According to British Health Secretary Matt Hancock, the Delta variant virus accounts for 96% of the new confirmed cases, and the number of cases continues to increase. In the past week The number of hospitalizations also increased by 48%.

British Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said that the current soaring number of diagnoses is still in a state of uncertainty, but it will definitely turn into a severe illness and cause death accordingly.

In addition to the United Kingdom, the surprisingly contagious Indian Delta variant virus has been raging in many countries and caused serious infections, and the effectiveness of the vaccine against the Delta variant virus has also been reduced.

Nearly 90% of cases in Moscow are related to Delta

From June 18 to 19, Russia added 17,262 cases and 17,906 cases, respectively, setting new highs in recent times.

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It is reported that the average daily number of confirmed cases in Russia two weeks ago was about 3,000. The number of confirmed cases in Russia increased sharply in early June, and the number of confirmed cases increased by more than 14,700 on the 13th, the highest in a single day since February this year. The pathogen that caused the epidemic in Russia to heat up is the Delta variant virus strain.

According to Russian authorities, nearly 90% of the current cases in Moscow are related to the Delta variant virus strain.

The Delta variant virus strain was also found in Guangdong, China. At 8 pm on June 19, Shenzhen Deputy Mayor Tao Yongxin said at a press conference on epidemic prevention and control that at present, all confirmed cases in Shenzhen carry the Delta variant strain.

Since the CCP is accustomed to concealing the epidemic, the outside world is not aware of the current data on China’s infection with the Delta variant virus strain.

Variant virus Delta spreads in more than 80 countries

WHO officials said on June 16 that the variant virus Delta, which was first discovered in India, has now spread to more than 80 countries around the world, and as it spreads globally, the variant virus continues to mutate.

Van Khoff, an expert in infectious diseases of the World Health Organization, said that the Indian variant virus is more infectious than other variant viruses, and a virus strain that has evolved from Delta to Delta+ has also been discovered.

On the 15th, the WHO also added another mutant strain, Lambda virus, to its list of variant viruses of concern. The organization is monitoring more than 50 different variant viruses. At present, scientists in South American countries including Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina have all discovered the Lambda variant virus.

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The CCP virus outbreak broke out in Wuhan, Hubei Province in December 2019, but before mid-January 2020, the CCP repeatedly lied that the epidemic was preventable and controllable and would not spread from person to person. As a result, the epidemic went out of control and spread rapidly all over the world.

Since October 2020, the CCP virus has morphed into a more contagious pandemic and continues to raging around the world. As of June 20, the CCP virus has infected more than 179 million people worldwide and killed more than 3.9 million people. This does not include the CCP’s concealment of data on diagnoses and deaths.

(Reporter Li Yun Comprehensive Report / Chief Editor: Wang Anping)

The URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/06/20/a103147081.html

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