Home » The Pope condemns the burning of the Koran: “Freedom of expression should not be used to offend others”

The Pope condemns the burning of the Koran: “Freedom of expression should not be used to offend others”

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The Pope condemns the burning of the Koran: “Freedom of expression should not be used to offend others”

Following the demonstration of burning of the Koran occurred Wednesday 28 June in front of a mosque Of Stockholmduring the celebration ofEid al-Adhathe party celebrated by Muslims from all over the world in memory of Abraham’s sacrifice, there have been various protests that took place in the Muslim world to declare their opposition to what happened.

At the sentencing of Swedish governmentthan through its own foreign Minister defined the burning of the Islamic sacred text as an “act Islamophobia e offensive for Muslims”, the firm also adds condemnation Of Pope francesco that, during an interview given to the UAE newspaper Al-Ittihad, said he “rejected and condemned” the act that took place in Sweden. Then adding to feel “outraged”since “freedom of expression should not be used as an excuse to offend others”.

“Today the world needs peace builders, not conflict instigators. We need firefighters, not arsonists. We need preachers, reconciliation… either we build the future together, or there will be no future” the Holy Father added. In recent days, theOrganization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)to which they adhere 57 statesmet at Pike (Saudi Arabia) in an extraordinary manner upon convocation by theIranto discuss what happened in Sweden.

Il general secretary dell’Oic, Hissein Brahim Tahahe said, quoted by swedish tv, that “it is necessary to send continuous appeals to the international community to urgently introduce an international law that clearly prohibits the promotion of religious hatred”. Precisely because of these events, Iran had decided to interrupt the process for thesettlement of the new ambassador in Sweden.

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