Home » The Rise of the Far-Right in Latin America: The Aftermath of Javier Milei’s Triumph

The Rise of the Far-Right in Latin America: The Aftermath of Javier Milei’s Triumph

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The Rise of the Far-Right in Latin America: The Aftermath of Javier Milei’s Triumph

The unexpected victory of Javier Milei in the recent Argentine elections has sent shockwaves through the political landscape of Latin America. With his disruptive campaign statements and unpredictable nature, many are left wondering how he will govern. The international community is also taking note of his triumph, as former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has been invited to Milei’s inauguration on December 10, while there are rumors that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will not be in attendance.

Political scientist César Augusto Chamorro believes that Milei will need to come to terms with reality and work towards building relationships with other countries in the region. He predicts that regardless of their differences, Milei and Lula will be forced to come to a mutual understanding for the greater good of the region.

The impact of Milei’s win is not limited to Argentina. Professor Cristóbal Rovira from the Catholic University of Santiago de Chile suggests that the rise of far-right leaders like Milei in Latin America could set a precedent for other countries in the region. He also points out the trend of the conventional right aligning with the extreme right to gain power, which could have far-reaching consequences for the region.

Rovira and Chamorro both express concerns about Milei’s potential isolationist policies, which could hinder cooperation on important issues such as climate change, energy, and migration. They also fear that the rise of the far-right could lead to a slow erosion of democratic systems in the region.

As the world watches to see how Milei will govern, it is clear that his victory has implications not only for Argentina but for the entire Latin American region. The international community will be closely monitoring how his leadership style and policies will impact relations with neighboring countries and the future of democracy in the region.

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