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The search for Ana has been going on for two years Info

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The search for Ana has been going on for two years  Info

Ana Stojković (44) from Smederevo was last seen on November 1, 2021, when she left the house in the evening. She left without her phone, wallet and documents. Since then, there has been no information about her, and the family and the police are intensively searching for her.

Source: Facebook

Her daughter, Natalija Ivanovic, said in an interview with the media that there is no new information, but she and Ana’s younger daughter do not lose hope that their mother is alive.

We perceive all this as the fact that she has accumulated dissatisfaction and that she just went somewhere far away to calm down and collect herself. We live for the day when mercury will appear, and until proven otherwise, our hopes will not waver“, Natalija pointed out in an interview from November 2022.

She left a farewell letter

According to her, Ana regularly kept her diary, which has been with the police ever since her disappearance.

We found the goodbye letter after we realized she was missing. More precisely, it is a large notebook, almost entirely written. She wrote various things. Basically, it boils down to her being unhappy. She even left us detailed instructions on what to do when we find her dead,” says daughter Natalija. The inconsolable daughter added that her mother had mental problems, more precisely, she was depressed, but there was nothing to indicate that he can harm himself.

Ana Stojković Source: Facebook

“She was in some sort of depression, she complained about work, about fatigue, about people, about ordinary things. She said that she was fed up with everything, that she was going to make trouble for herself. No one took it seriously. We thought that these were some sentences which many of us say at some point,” her daughter recalled in an interview last year. Ana ran her flower shop in Smederevo for years, and as her daughter adds, she took over the business so that her mother’s many years of effort would not be in vain.

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Source: Facebook

“We talked earlier that I would continue working and running the flower shop, but I had no idea that it would be so soon. She did not leave any debts, she was committed to everything. I hope that she will appear at some point and that everything will be in in the best order,” she said on that occasion.

Before Ana’s disappearance was reported, divers of the Gendarmerie searched the Danube around the Kovinsko Bridge, where Ana’s car was found, but without success.

Before Ana’s disappearance was reported, divers of the Gendarmerie searched the Danube around the Kovinsko Bridge, where Ana’s car was found, but without success. The last message of the missing Ana from “Facebook” is a quote:

“When the person you love dies, be sure you got your guardian angel.”


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