Home » The two manga of Creamy still unpublished in Italy are coming!

The two manga of Creamy still unpublished in Italy are coming!

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The two manga of Creamy still unpublished in Italy are coming!

Kazunori Ito

Sprea Comics will finally bring the two still unpublished manga of the most famous Japanese wizard: “The Return” and “The Long Goodbye” to newsstands, bookstores and comic shops.

The 80s of Japanese animation were magical, not only in a manner of speaking: in that decade a sub-genre called “majokko” (magicians) developed which with four legendary animated series remained in the hearts of fans. The progenitor of the trend is Creamy, the popular magical singer who absolutely needs no introduction and who just turned forty this year. For the occasion, Sprea Comics, the publishing division of Sprea Editori linked to comics, will launch many initiatives dedicated to magical girls but above all to this much-loved character.
We begin with two comic volumes unpublished in Italy and which will delight many readers and fans of Creamy: “The enchanting Creamy – The return” and “The enchanting Creamy – The long goodbye”, both comic transpositions of the special episodes of the series released in Japan on home video following the television series.
“The Return”, written by Kazunori Ito and illustrated by Kei Kazuna, sees Yu, Toshio and the merry gang investigating the announced return of Creamy to the scene. Which is impossible, since little Yu has lost her powers and she can no longer transform into the singer. What will happen? And who is the girl that the producer of Creamy, Tachibana, brought with him from the United States? Will there be anything to do with Creamy’s comeback?

In the second volume, “The Long Goodbye”, also written by Kazunori Ito and drawn by Kaoru Tashibu, we move forward two years and Yu is now a middle school student. Suddenly, she begins to transform into Creamy without warning and she turns back into Yuu’s form only when the sun goes down. It is not clear why these sudden transformations but while Yu is helping on the set of the film starring Megumi Ayase, she is discovered by Shingo Tachibana who wants Creamy as a co-star in the film. What will happen if Yu can no longer transform into Creamy or if she will never return to her real form?

These two volumes, perfectly legible independently of each other, inaugurate the new bimonthly series “Manga Majokko” which will be available at newsagents, bookstores and comic shops from mid-October. Two other series followed, always unpublished in our country: “Magica Emi” (3 volumes) and “Sandy dai mille colori” (2 volumes).

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