Home » The US bombs Syria and Iraq: “39 dead”. White House: “We are evaluating other attacks.” Russia calls for UN Security Council meeting

The US bombs Syria and Iraq: “39 dead”. White House: “We are evaluating other attacks.” Russia calls for UN Security Council meeting

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The US bombs Syria and Iraq: “39 dead”.  White House: “We are evaluating other attacks.”  Russia calls for UN Security Council meeting

I Raid Americans awaited for days in response to the killing of three US soldiers in Jordan have begun and will continue for days. Two attacks against pro-Iranian targets in Iraq e Syria they took place over 30 minutes: they provoked more 39 deadaccording to what was reported by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the spokesperson of the Iraqi government, Bassem al-Awadi. In Syria there would have been – according to the Observatory – at least 18 dead in the raids, which reportedly hit 17 positions near Mayadin – one of the large operational centers in the east of the country – e Bokamal, three kilometers from the border with Iraq. The attacks in Iraq instead targeted the western province of Anbar and according to Baghdad they killed at least 16 people. According to agency sources, among the victims could be the head of the logistics division of the Popular mobilization forcescoalition of pro-Iranian paramilitary militias in Iraq, Abás al Darayi. Protests by the government of Baghdad who summons the US chargé d’affaires, while the Russia called for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council.

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The night raids “were a success”, reports the spokesperson of the National Security Council from the White House, John Kirby, warning that “there will be further answers.” The US attacks hit three facilities in Iraq and four in Syria, Washington explains. “We are not looking for a war with Iran,” Kirby added, pointing out that the United States had pre-warned the government Iraqibut that “there were no communications with Teheran” from the attack last weekend. The US attacks constitute a “violation of sovereignty Iraqi” and represent a threat whose consequences they will be “adverse for security and stability.” The warning comes from the spokesperson of the commander in chief of the Iraqi armed forces, the general Yahya Rasul Abdullah. “These attacks – she added – will cause a weakening of the Iraqi government’s efforts and will represent a threat that will drag Iraq and the region towards undesirable and disastrous consequences for the safety and stability.”

And Damascus instead the first reaction came in a press release from Syrian armed forces: the bombings killed “a number of civilians e soldiersthey hurt others and caused significant damage to public and private properties”, “theoccupation of parts of the Syrian territory by the US forces He can not continuation“. Hamas also commented on the American action, saying that the United States paid “petrol on the fire” and “bear full responsibility for the repercussions of this aggressive attack on Iraq and Syria.” Words similar to those used by the Russian Foreign Ministry which accused the United States of “sowing chaos and destruction” in the Middle East.

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President Joe Biden gave the order to attack Iranian-affiliated and Iranian-backed groups in Iraq and Syria, warning that “if America is hit, will react“. Then came the confirmation of the American retaliation from the Pentagon: “The United States struck elite Iranian units and militias allied with Tehran in raids carried out in Syria and Iraq.” US military forces strikemore than 85 objectives, with numerous aircraft including long-range bombers flown from the United States.” The president made it clear that the operation will last days: “Our response will continue in the times and ways we decide”, declared the commander-in-chief shortly after welcoming the Dover Air Force Basein Delaware, the bodies of the three US soldiers killed on Sunday in Jordan in a raid by the groupIslamic resistance in Iraq‘. The plans for the raids were presented to Biden a few hours after the attack which took place during the night between Saturday and Sunday against the American base Tower 22, in Jordan, in which three US soldiers died: he gave the green light already on day after, last Monday, in a meeting in the Situation Room of the national security leaders, he revealed the Cnnwhich cites sources familiar with the dossier.

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