Home » The US once again included Yemen’s Houthis on its list of terrorist groups due to the attacks in the Red Sea

The US once again included Yemen’s Houthis on its list of terrorist groups due to the attacks in the Red Sea

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The US once again included Yemen’s Houthis on its list of terrorist groups due to the attacks in the Red Sea

The United States announced on Wednesday that it will once again designate Yemen’s Houthi rebels as terrorists and impose new sanctions on this pro-Iranian group. The measure will come into effect in 30 days, on February 16, in the midst of the militia’s offensives against commercial shipping companies in the Red Sea, in response to Israel’s aggressions on Gaza.

White House officials explained that the attacks by the Houthis are considered a textbook definition of terrorism and the decision is aimed at stopping these hostilities that put international trade at risk. The sanctions will focus on cutting off financing of the Houthis through the international financial system.

President Joe Biden ordered that the group be classified as a “Specifically Designated Global Terrorist” (SDGT) instead of a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” (FTO), in order to minimize the impact on the civilian population and ensure that funding for food, medicines, and humanitarian aid remains unaffected. The UN has already described Yemen as experiencing the largest humanitarian crisis on the entire planet.

The announcement comes after the internationally recognized Yemeni government, which opposes the rebels, welcomed the decision and called for the group to stop practicing terrorism in all its forms. The government urged the Houthis to abandon their terrorist approach and dependence on the Iranian regime and accept peace initiatives.

The United States and the United Kingdom, supported by allied countries, began a bombing campaign against the group’s military objectives. According to the National Security Advisor, enemy aggression will not stop until there is a strong global response.

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The United Nations mission in Yemen warned that the actions of the West and the response of the rebels endanger efforts to achieve peace in the Arab country, after the parties in conflict agreed in December to a ceasefire.

The United States‘ decision to designate the Houthis as terrorists and impose sanctions is an attempt to address the ongoing conflict and bring stability to Yemen and the wider region, even as concerns for the humanitarian crisis in the country persist.

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