Home » The US opposes Israel’s plan for Gaza: “No to a permanent relocation of Palestinians outside the Strip”

The US opposes Israel’s plan for Gaza: “No to a permanent relocation of Palestinians outside the Strip”

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The US opposes Israel’s plan for Gaza: “No to a permanent relocation of Palestinians outside the Strip”

Also there White House says ‘no’ to a new one Nakba a Gazathe catastrophe represented byPalestinian exodus from their lands from 1948 onwards. Days ago the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence released a document in which the Tel Aviv’s plan for the Strip. Among the various points that stands out mass transfer of the population in Egypta hypothesis that sparked international controversy and was also rejected by the main ally of the ‘Jewish State’, the United States. This was explained by the spokesperson of the National Security Council, John Kirby: “The US does not support one permanent dislocation of Gazans outside the Strip.”

The question that Kirby had to answer during a briefing on board theAir Force One was born from the controversy that arose from the dissemination of the Israeli government document. In the file, dated October 13, various options were hypothesized for the future of the Strip after “eradicated” Hamas from the enclave. These included the possibility of entrusting local government toPalestinian National Authoritydefeated in the last elections dating back to 2006. Added to this is the need to identify a local Arab leader and finally, the most contested part, that on the transfer of the population, initially creating some tent city in the north of Sinai and then transforming them into real cities.

After the publication of the document, protests arose from Palestinians and others. The president’s spokesperson Abu Mazen said: “We are against relocation to any place, in any form and consider it a Red line which we will not allow to be exceeded. We will not allow what happened in 1948 to happen again.” Even the prime minister’s office Benjamin Netanyahu he clarified that it is only one “conceptual” documentbut evidently also from Washington they felt the need to clarify their position.

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