Home » The world’s polar bear capital is heating up too fast, which has endangered the survival of polar bears: they can’t eat anymore – yqqlm

The world’s polar bear capital is heating up too fast, which has endangered the survival of polar bears: they can’t eat anymore – yqqlm

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The world’s polar bear capital is heating up too fast, which has endangered the survival of polar bears: they can’t eat anymore – yqqlm

Global warming is a topic that everyone is familiar with. Although it has had little impact on most humans so far, it has begun to threaten the living space of some animals.

The researchers observed that due to rising temperatures, the sea ice in Churchill, Canada, known as the “Polar Bear Capital of the World“, is getting less and less, endangering the survival of polar bears.

Churchill is located on the west coast of Hudson Bay. According to the polar bear protection group “Polar Bear International”, polar bears will use the ice floes in Hudson Bay to hunt seals.

The oil in seals can provide polar bears with a lot of energy, and it is especially important for mother bears to feed their cubs.

When on land, polar bears eat berries, eggs, mice and even reindeer, but nothing beats the calorie-dense seal blubber, researchers say.

The world's polar bear capital is heating up too fast, which has endangered the survival of polar bears: they can't eat

Dr. Flavio Reiner, a member of Polar Bears International, said: “In the past few decades, Hudson Bay has been freezing later and later, while sea ice has been melting earlier and earlier.”

This makes it more and more difficult for polar bears to catch prey. Some scientists predict that by 2050, the long ice-free period will push polar bears to the brink of starvation.

A simple summary is that because of global warming and melting glaciers, polar bears are almost out of food (seals).

The world's polar bear capital is heating up too fast, which has endangered the survival of polar bears: they can't eat

According to reports, the volume of Alpine glaciers has shrunk by about 60% since 1850. According to this development, half of Switzerland’s 1,500 Alpine glaciers will disappear in the next 30 years.

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Earlier, UNESCO also warned in a report,Even if global emissions are curbed, at least one-third of World Heritage glaciers will disappear by mid-century.

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Responsible Editor: Jian Jia

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