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This is a husband and wife who agreed to die together | Info

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This is a husband and wife who agreed to die together |  Info

He published their joint photos in which they are hugging in a picture gallery, and called the album “V&Z”.

Izvor: Facebook/Screenshot

Spouses V. Ž. (71) and Z. Ž. (73) from Zemun were found dead in their family home in this settlement on Sunday. According to the data from the investigation, it is currently suspected to be a mercy killing and suicide. As Kurir wrote earlier Z. Ž. killed his wife on Friday and then shot himself in the head with a pistol. Their bodies were found two days later when a relative came to see what was happening because they did not answer his calls.

On the day when the husband killed his wife and himself, he posted on social networks their shared photos of them hugging in the picture gallery, and he called the album “V&Z“. On the same day, an acquaintance left them a comment, not suspecting the tragedy, and wrote “Enjoy life”. Z. Ž. replied “Thank you, it was once…”.

Izvor: Facebook/Screenshot

Only a few hours later, as is suspected, he shot his wife in the back and then himself in the head. Apparently, they agreed to do this because it is V. Ž. was seriously ill. The Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade ordered an autopsy, and according to initial information, it is a woman killed with nine shots in the back.

The relative who found the bodies of the spouses also found the shutters down on the house, and their family members told the police that the spouses had most likely agreed to go to their deaths together. Allegedly, Z. Ž. shot the woman nine times because she asked not to leave her a chance to survive.

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Izvor: Facebook/Screenshot

Neighbors of this couple previously told Kurir that they never fought and that they seemed to live in love and harmony. “We are convinced that they did this in agreement. They were a really nice couple, polite. We saw him more often, she rarely went out lately. She was sick,” sad neighbors told Courier.

If you are thinking about suicide or have such thoughts, the SOS line of the “Laza Lazarevic” clinic is 011/7777-000. The number of the Center “Srce” for providing emotional support to people in crisis and suicide prevention is 0800-300-303.


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Source: Kurir television


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