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“This is how I support my husband”

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“This is how I support my husband”


“It will be an inspired guide for those seeking support in navigating a new role in life: that of caregiver for those suffering from dementia,” Heming said in an interview for Shriver’s blog and underlined that “the experiences of partners who care a relative suffering from dementia or other similar syndromes are unfortunately similar”: “We leave the doctor’s office without resources or support and with a diagnosis that I still struggle to pronounce.”

Bruce Wills’ disease

Willis and his wife have been married since 2009, a few years after the actor’s separation from Demi Moore. Initially, when the Die Hard actor showed the first symptoms of the disease in 2022, the diagnosis was aphasia, a disorder that creates problems with language and speech. A year later, doctors began talking about fronto-temporal dementia, whose symptoms include emotional and communication problems and difficulty walking.

The words of the wife

“It’s not clear whether Will is aware of the disease,” said his wife, who in September revealed that she had become the actor’s point of reference and main caregiver: “Today I have much more hope than at the beginning. I understand this disease more and am connected to an incredible community of support. And I hope with my experience I can help others.”

The new book

Maria Shriver, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ex-wife and a granddaughter of President JF Kennedy, will publish Emma Heming Willis’ book in her Open Field series.

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