Home » This is how social networks reacted to Mark Vito’s ‘ampay’ with two young girls: “It’s his sugar” | ANSWERS

This is how social networks reacted to Mark Vito’s ‘ampay’ with two young girls: “It’s his sugar” | ANSWERS

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This is how social networks reacted to Mark Vito’s ‘ampay’ with two young girls: “It’s his sugar” |  ANSWERS

Mark Vito is at the center of the controversy, after he was supported by Magaly Medina on “Magaly TV La Firme.” In these images, which have generated all kinds of comments, the father of Keiko Fujimori’s daughters is seen with two young girls on different days. With one of them he walks hand in hand, while with the other he appears kissing. Here we are going to tell you all the details about this surprising event.

What did Magaly Medina say about the ‘ampay’ to Mark Vito?

Regarding the images released, Magaly had a quite severe criticism of Vito. “Because that was what he was, although it is true, we all knew that he was a professional who graduated from an American university, but, nevertheless, after the separation he transformed into a Tiktokero. “He was a little clown, and now we see him as an improvised heartthrob, with girls who are almost the same age or a couple of years older than the daughters he has with Keiko.”

Likewise, the popular ‘Urraca’ gave more details about the relationship that Mark would have with one of the young girls with whom he appears in the videos. “So now with these girls, one with whom he kisses on Saturday and according to this girl’s mother, they went out two months ago as lovers, but the next day, Sunday, with another girl of almost the same age, hanging out and walking holding hands throughout Jockey Plaza. I mean, a mature heartthrob, right? And he looks so pathetic at that age, Mark Vito, fooling around, flirting with little girls in the neighborhood, he’s 48 years old, he’s not 15″.

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How did social networks react to Mark Vito’s ‘ampay’ with two young girls?: “It’s his sugar”

Social networks reacted strongly to what was seen on “Magaly TV La Firme”. “Doing a report only adds morbidity to the matter”, “Who did he learn from”, “Is that girl’s sugar”, “Parents please act”, “Wasn’t he a successful businessman?” were some of the opinions of netizens.

User criticizes Magaly Medina for celebrating her dogs’ birthdays and the ‘Urraca’ responds forcefully: “Don’t be ridiculous.”

The user made a comparison that she did not like at all to the popular ‘Urraca’. “Dina 2.0, showing off luxury things,” said the netizen. What no one expected is that Magaly would take the time to respond.

“Do not be ridiculous. Make intelligent comparisons,” was Medina’s response. In another similar comment, the journalist responded again, although this time in the following way: “I do not work for the State.”

What did Magaly Medina respond about the alleged separation from Alfredo Zambrano?

It should be noted that these rumors about the possible separation began last March. At that time, Medina traveled to the United States in the company of a friend of hers, and she made it known on her social networks. From this, ‘Pajita’, a well-known content creator, assured that the host walked away from her husband and that is why she headed outside.

“I don’t understand where these speculations come from. Over the weekend I went to Miami to renew my driver’s license and car registration. I don’t need to justify why my husband didn’t accompany me, he had a lot of work. We trust each other. I don’t see anything strange in it,” Magaly declared in an interview for Infobae.

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