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Throat cancer: never overlook these seemingly trivial and common symptoms

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Throat cancer: never overlook these seemingly trivial and common symptoms

There are a number of signs that should not be underestimated for an effective prevention of throat cancer. Here are all the details.

Throat cancer is one of the most serious and dangerous pathologies that can affect a human being (and not only), often with devastating and irreversible consequences. Thanks to the progress of science and medicine, a lot has been done in terms of prevention and to combat this disease. Unfortunately, however, when the cancer reaches a certain stage, with the development of metastases, there is not much that can be done.

Among the most common and frequent symptoms of laryngeal cancer is unexplained and persistent lowering of the voice. (Grantennistoscana.it)

For all these reasons it is essential to interpret the first symptoms and initial alarm bells through which the disease can be intercepted and defeated. The Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) has drawn up a specific set of guidelines in this regard. They are certainly worth reading and keeping in mind: our health and our lives are at stake.

All the alarm bells of throat cancer

The most common and frequent symptoms of laryngeal cancer are an unmotivated and persistent lowering of the voice (for more than two weeks) with variation of the vocal timbre, sensation of even acute pain (sometimes radiating to the ear) and difficulty in swallowing or swelling of the lymph nodes (adenopathy) in the neck. In 95% of cases, cancer of the larynx and pharynx originates from epithelial cells lining these organs; in the remaining 5%, from other tissues present in the district, for example glands (adenocarcinomas), muscle or connective tissue (sarcomas), or from lymphatic tissue (lymphomas).

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Approximately 90% of patients with these neoplasms, according to data from the reference association, smoke and drink alcohol. (Grantennistoscana.it)

If we realize that we are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable to contact your trusted doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe, in the shortest possible time, all the tests you need to undergo to confirm or deny the initial diagnosis of throat cancer. Prevention, as mentioned, remains the main weapon of defense. In most cases, throat cancer is caused by cigarette smoking and excessive and continuous consumption of alcohol: around 90% of patients affected by these neoplasms, according to data from the reference association, smoke and drink alcohol. A conjunction with harmful effects, given that the simultaneous intake of tobacco and alcohol exponentially increases the risk of getting sick.

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