Home » Turkey, harsh life sentence for Osman Kavala confirmed in Cassation: he participated in the Gezi Park protests

Turkey, harsh life sentence for Osman Kavala confirmed in Cassation: he participated in the Gezi Park protests

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Turkey, harsh life sentence for Osman Kavala confirmed in Cassation: he participated in the Gezi Park protests

Now the sentence is final: the Court of Cassation Turkish confirmed the sentence toaggravated life sentence for the philanthropist Osman Kavalasentenced in 2022 for “attempt to overthrow the government” after taking part in the anti-government protests of Park travelin 2013. In addition to his, the Court of Cassation also confirmed the 18-year sentences for the other defendants in the case: Mother again, Can Atalay, Mine Ozerden e Tayfun Kahraman. “The Gezi trial is a monstrous abuse of the justice system, proof that the courts obey the presidency,” he protested on Emma Sinclair-Webbthe director for Europe and Central Asia of Human Rights Watch.

That of the Turkish entrepreneur and human rights defender is only the latest case of persecution e repression of the oppositions that have been ongoing for at least ten years in the president’s country Recep Tayyip Erdoganwith thousands of arrests and hundreds of convictions for anyone considered critical of the regime, on charges of having taken part in the 2013 street demonstrations, of being part of organizations that support Kurdish cause or proximity to the movement Service Of Fethullah Gulenconsidered the mastermind of the failed 2016 coup.

In prison since the end of 2017, the philanthropist is known for his commitment to the rights of Turkey’s minorities and President Erdogan considers him an opponent. At the end of 2021, the Turkish head of state kicked out ten Western diplomats, including the ambassadors of the USA, France and Germany, for asking for the activist’s release on the fourth anniversary of his arrest. The European Council started one infringement procedure against Ankara for the failure to release Kavala from prison which had been requested by the European Court of Human Rights.

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