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TV judge Alexander Hold is suffering from cancer

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TV judge Alexander Hold is suffering from cancer

The former German TV judge and currently working as a politician Alexander Hold (62) is suffering from prostate cancer. ā€œThe carcinoma has already grown so close to the neighboring nerves that the operation will be challenging. What further therapies will be required will become apparent after the operation,ā€ said the acting vice president of the Bavarian state parliament on Friday.

As a result of a routine preventive examination, suspicious values ā€‹ā€‹and an unclear finding were initially identified, it said. The cancer was only diagnosed after several further examinations. The prostate, which is affected by a malignant tumor, should be surgically removed in April.

ā€œI was like most people: you suppress the possibility of a serious illness and, given the variety of everyday stresses, you donā€™t think much enough about the fact that health cannot be taken for granted. The bigger the shock that a diagnosis like this triggers is all the greater,ā€ emphasized he.

Hold: Call for precaution

Despite the diagnosis, he is ā€œvery confident about the future. I generally have a very good immune system and a positive attitude,ā€ said Hold. He has now consciously made his illness public for two reasons: On the one hand, he can only openly ask people and his colleagues for understanding, and at the same time he wants to point out the dangers of cancer: ā€œWhether breast, urological, colon or skin cancer ā€“ Please get preventative care early and regularly. For all types of cancer, the earlier something is detected, the better the chances of recovery.ā€ Hold gained notoriety through the Sat.1 program ā€œRichter Alexander Holdā€.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer and the third most common cause of cancer death in men. Every year around 6,000 new prostate cancer diagnoses are made in Austria. The most important thing is early detection. Men over 45 should have regular prostate cancer screening examinations.

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According to Austrian Cancer Aid, the early detection examination includes a palpable examination of the prostate (digital rectal examination), a blood sample to determine PSA and an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and lower abdomen to assess the size of the prostate and the ability to empty the bladder. Almost all of these diseases are curable in the early stages.

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