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TV review “The skin is deceiving”: Small-pleasing TV time shirt

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TV review “The skin is deceiving”: Small-pleasing TV time shirt

A TV PROGRAM THAT GOES ON TV!: Harald Eia, Magnus Devold, Linn Skåber and Ronny Brede Aase (from left) in “Skinnet bedrar”. Photo: Discovery / TVNorge

A show on TV that is so similar to other shows on TV that you could swear you’ve seen it before.


Less than 20 minutes ago

“The appearance deceives”

Norwegian game show in 12 parts

Premiere at TVNorge and Discovery on Tuesday, February 6

Program manager: Ronny Brede Aase

Guests: Harald Eia, Linn Skåber, Jon Almaas, Jenny Skavlan, Jan Thomas, Marte Stokstad, Calle Hellevang-Larsen, Magnus Devold, Solveig Kloppen, Jonis Josef, Tinashe Williamson, Petter Schjerven

While in many other industries people talk warmly about technological paradigm shifts and innovation, the lack of imagination, innovation and creativity in the good, old-fashioned TV entertainment industry is really quite appalling.

The talk show (with celebrities) is on its way out, they say. But what else do we have?

GOOD ATMOSPHERE!: Ronny Brede Aase invites. Please enter, dear TV viewer! Photo: Discovery / TVNorge

Jo: Celebrity reality programs where the same 60 celebrities compete against each other in disciplines they do not master. The celebrity comedian programs where the same 30 comedians have to pretend they are the world‘s best friends – and not bitter competitors.

We have the so-called “P3” genre, in which a celebrity tries to get to the bottom of a topic by using himself as a guinea pig. We have the programs where celebrities sit on panels and judge non-celebrities – who would very much like to become celebrities, too. Type “The Voice”.

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Not least, we have the world‘s oldest format. Gamehowetthe quiz, quiz-one. It too has been taken over by the same 50 snouts. The market leaders must be said to be TVNorge/Discovery.

DRAMA!: Calle Hellevang Larsen, Solveig Kloppen and Jenny Skavlan (from left) in “Skinnet bedrar”. Photo: Discovery / TVNorge

Tonight, they are relevant with another light-hearted game show. With Ronny Brede Aase as presenter. And celebrities.

The concept feels so fundamentally well-known, so incorporated via other TV programs that are similar, that “Skinnet bedrar” gets up to speed exemplary quickly.

The three celebrity contestants will have their people-recognition skills tested, and their noses for bluff makers.

Three people appear to them. One of them is an archer or an ax thrower, for example, seasoned like that, two of them are bluff makers (Aase calls them “deceivers”).

The panel is given the opportunity to interrogate them, using questions that have probably been prepared by the programme’s editors, in order to form a picture of their possible credibility. Then the celebrities have to guess. Which one is the real thing?

SEE HOW GOOD FRIENDS THEY ARE: Calle Hellevang Larsen, Ronny Brede Aase, Solveig Kloppen and Jenny Skavlan (from left) in “Skinnet bedrar”. Photo: Discovery / TVNorge

Another type of task looks like this: Which of these three apples is a real apple? A third: Magnus Devold claims that he does taxidermy – animal stuffing – in his spare time. It’s just procrastination, isn’t it? What? His fellow celebrities have to guess whether he’s lying or not.

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Plain and simple, to say the least. And entertaining enough for the grayest day of the week, Tuesday. Brede Aase has donned the obligatory gameshow presenter suit. He could probably complete the job in his sleep.

THE ATMOSPHERE? TO TOUCH AND FEEL: Calle Hellevang Larsen, Solveig Kloppen and Jenny Skavlan (from left) in “Skinnet bedrar”. Photo: Discovery / TVNorge

The guests are quick-witted, charismatic and informal (being one little self-congratulatory celebrity is one of the finest things you can be in Norway). They are good at being on TV. Because they are on TV all the time.

Nothing to get excited about in either direction, this. “The skin deceives” is a TV programme. It’s on TV, so it exists.

That was all from here!

The reviewer has seen two out of 12 programmes


Published: 06.02.24 at 17:16

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