Home » Ukraine, independent media: “Wagner’s boss overshadowed by the official Russian media for criticism of the defense ministry”

Ukraine, independent media: “Wagner’s boss overshadowed by the official Russian media for criticism of the defense ministry”

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Ukraine, independent media: “Wagner’s boss overshadowed by the official Russian media for criticism of the defense ministry”

The more and more frequent criticisms to the Russian Defense Ministry, to military strategies and, more generally, to the approach taken by Russia in the Ukrainian conflict, considered in some periods too submissive, they have created an ever wider rift between Vladimir Putin and what until a few months ago was considered one of his most loyal allies, the head of Wagner group, Evgeny Prigozhin. The leader of the mercenaries close to Kremlin has now disappeared from the official Russian media: a decision that suggests one censorship ordered by the president of the Federation.

Prigozhin’s criticisms of the actions of the military leaders began to be louder after the murder of Darya Duginathe daughter of the ultranationalist ideologue Alexander Dugin died after her car exploded, returning from a conference organized by the Russian extreme right. On that occasion, Wagner’s leader also exposed himself arguing that Russia should have acted more decisively on the battlefield. Similar criticisms were also repeated in the following months, with the military of Kiev who had reconquered a large portion of the territories lost during the first phase of the conflict. So much so that some observers had hypothesized Prigozhin’s desire to carve out for himself no longer just a role as military leader, but as leader politico, a reference point for Russian ultranationalism. Especially in light of Putin’s unlikely re-nomination for the Presidential 2024.

Until then, however, the head of the Kremlin has no intention of leaving room for internal opposition. And Prigozhin, evidently, is starting to get annoying. For some time, for example, he has denounced i invasion failures and engaged in a direct duel with the defense minister Shoiguaccusing him among other things of not providing ammunition to his militiamen engaged in Donbass. And now the independent media Verstka he says the state media have been instructed not to quote his statements “on non-neutral topics”. Furthermore, according to a source close to the Russian Defense Ministry, the authorities have prepared a “campaign” against Prigozhinalthough they have decided not to launch it for the time being.

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