Home » Ukraine-Russia: news on the war of 29 August

Ukraine-Russia: news on the war of 29 August

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Ukraine-Russia: news on the war of 29 August

The mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Aiea) will arrive at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by the end of this week. This was announced by the director general of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi. Italy will be in the team that will visit the nuclear site, but in the meantime the Agency has already confirmed the bombings in the area of ​​the plant, reassuring however about the damage: the safety systems are operational, radioactivity normal. The world must “relegate atomic weapons to history”, underlined the Secretary General of the United Nations Guterres, on the occasion of the International Day against Nuclear Tests which is celebrated today.

Meanwhile, on the 187th day of the war, the Moscow offensive continues and the EU wants to send a new signal of condemnation to Russia for the invasion of Ukraine: the suspension of the visa agreement with Moscow. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba will be in Sweden today, then in Prague for the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers. A 24-year-old American boy was killed in Donbass while fighting Russian forces. Zelensky: “We will take back all the occupied territories, from Donetsk to Mariupol to Crimea”.

The reportage – The war of the innocents: 400 children dead
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Updates hour by hour
07.33 – British Intelligence: Russian Minister Shoigu mocked and sidelined
The Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, “is probably derided for his lack of leadership when Russian progress (on the ground, ed.) Has stopped.” Thus British intelligence in its daily update on the war in Ukraine. According to his Majesty Shoigu’s 007 “he has long struggled to overcome his reputation as (Chief of Defense, ed.) Without military experience, due to his career in the construction sector and his previous experience as an emergency minister.” Finally, British intelligence points out that according to some recent articles by independent Russian newspapers Shoigu has been sidelined within the Russian leadership and that the commanders of the Russian army report on the progress of the war directly to President Vladimir Putin.

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07.29 – Russian fighters strike Ukraine from Belarus airspace
Russian fighters entered the airspace of Belarus last night and launched at least five missiles against Ukrainian territory: the pro-Ukrainian monitoring group Belaruski Hajun reported on Telegram, according to Ukrinform. At least five Russian aircraft, including Tu-22M bombers, entered Belarusian airspace from Russia at 19:14 local time (18:14 in Italy) and launched the first missile at 19:29. The next missiles, the group continues, were launched every three minutes between 19:32 and 19:38

07.12 – Borrel: “Unlikely ban on issuing visas for Russian citizens”
It is “unlikely” that the foreign ministers of the European Union will support “unanimously” the ban on the issuance of visas for Russian citizens. This was stated by the EU High Foreign Policy Officer Josep Borrell in an interview with Austrian television Orf. Borrel himself said he was “not in favor of blocking visas for all Russians”, but in favor of a more selective process.

07.01 – Grossi (Aiea): “The day has come”
Inspectors from the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, are on their way to the Zaporizhzhia plant, Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine. This was stated by the director general of the IAEA Rafael Mariano Grossi writing on Twitter that “the day has arrived”. Posting a photo of him together with inspectors from the Support and Assistance Mission for Zaporizhzhia, Grossi wrote that the team is ” on the way ”. ‘«We must protect the safety of the largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine and Europe. I am proud to lead this mission which will be in Zaporizhzhia at the end of this week ‘”, he added.

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06.01 – Kiev, buildings hit and Sarny hospital damaged
Following the Russian bombing in the Sarny district on 28 August, at least 30 residential buildings and the premises of the central hospital in Sarny were damaged. This was reported by the governor of the Rivne territory, Vitaliy Koval, quoted by Kyiv Independent.

03.26 – A 24-year-old American killed in Donbass
Another American was killed in Ukraine, in the Donbass region, fighting Russian forces. The IUsa media reported this, citing a post on Telegram by Russian officer Oleg Kozhemyako. “An American mercenary was wiped out in Ukraine,” he said. The 24-year-old boy was from Memphis, Tennessee.

Ukraine-Russia war: what happened on August 28th

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