Home » Ukraine, Russian attacks in the night. Putin: “NATO creates tensions all over the world”. Arrest three suspected Russian spies in the UK

Ukraine, Russian attacks in the night. Putin: “NATO creates tensions all over the world”. Arrest three suspected Russian spies in the UK

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Ukraine, Russian attacks in the night.  Putin: “NATO creates tensions all over the world”.  Arrest three suspected Russian spies in the UK

night of bombing all over Ukraine. The Kiev Air Force, on its channel Telegram, reports that shortly after 3 am local time, some Russian strategic bombers over the Caspian Sea launched groups of cruise missiles. The attacks focused on Lvivwhere some residential buildings were hit, but without civilian casualties, ea Lutsk, where a building part of an industrial infrastructure was damaged. Here, according to some local officials reported by the Bbc, three people are death and there are also several wounded. Explosions due to the intervention of the Ukrainian air defense have also been heard a Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro and in the Millerovo district, Rostov region. The Ukrainian Air Defense Forces said they destroyed 16 of the at least 28 missiles launched from Russia. Air raid sirens sounded for two hours in Lviv and Volyn. A Lutsk, the capital of Volyn region, local officials say most of the damage was caused by falling debris from missiles intercepted. The Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, Oleksiy Kuleba, stated that the three people killed at Volyn were employees of the industrial structure. In Lviv, according to the mayor of the city Andriy Sadovyi, they are more than 100 The damaged buildings.

The Moscow International Security Conference – Meanwhile, the 11th was staged in Moscow International Security Conference. Speaking on video, the Russian president, Vladimir Putinaccused the West of pursuing a policy adventurous e neocolonial, thus generating multiple hotbeds of tension all over the world, including Ukraine. “After the States United and their allies have committed aggression against Libya, the Central African Republic and Mali – Putin said -, they have been exposed to direct attacks by numerous terrorist groups”. “Ukraine is a good example of where this policy leads throw fuel on the fire. Pumping billions of dollars into the neo-Nazi regime, by supplying them with hardware, weapons and ammunition and by sending their military advisers and mercenaries, they are doing everything they can to fuel this conflict even more and involve other states,” he concluded. Also present at the Security Conference was the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, for which Ukraine’s military resources are “almost exhausted”. “Despite extensive assistance from the West, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are unable to achieve results,” Shoigu said, adding that there is “nothing unique” about Western weapons and that they are not invulnerable to weapons Russians on the battlefield.

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Three Russian spies arrested in UK – Two men and a woman, all Bulgarian citizens: they are the three suspected Russian spies arrested in United Kingdom and indicted in a major national security investigation. They were arrested in February and have been in custody ever since. The accusation against them is that they worked for the Russian security services. The three were in possession of fake passports, ID cards and other documents from the UK, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and the Czech Republic. Orlin Roussev45 years, Bizer Dzhambazov41 years old, and Katrin Ivanova31, had lived in the UK for years.

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