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United Kingdom asks citizens to prepare for war with Russia | AlMomento.net

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The head of the British army has issued a stern warning, comparing the current situation in Ukraine with the crises that preceded the world wars of the 20th century. General Sir Patrick Sanders emphasized the need for the United Kingdom and its allies to prepare for a conflict that could challenge the West’s way of life. He drew parallels to the events leading up to World War I and World War II, stressing the importance of learning from history to avoid repeating catastrophic mistakes.

General Sanders highlighted the current Russian invasion of Ukraine as a potential harbinger of future conflicts, underscoring the need for vigilance and preparation. He noted that the war in Ukraine represents a broader assault on the democratic system and the cherished way of life in the West.

In response to these growing threats, General Sanders called for a significant expansion of the British Army, nearly doubling its current size. He also urged British citizens to be prepared for a level of civic mobilization not seen since the end of World War II. However, the government clarified that there is no intention of reintroducing conscription and remains committed to maintaining a voluntary military force.

Similar concerns have been expressed by other NATO members, particularly in continental Europe. Germany’s Defense Minister has also made calls to prepare for war, marking a shift in Germany’s traditionally defensive military posture. Documents leaked to a German newspaper suggest that Germany is drawing up contingency plans for a Russian attack on Western Europe, particularly against the Baltic States.

The NATO alliance itself would deploy 300,000 troops to Eastern Europe, according to the leaked documents, in response to a Russian attack on the Baltic States, but not until early 2025. The Ukrainian war is currently at a stalemate, with concerns about the stalling supply of foreign weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainian military. Republicans in the US Congress are also obstructing Pentagon funds needed to meet its goals. The situation remains tense and uncertain.

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