Home » Vice-Chancellor André Simonazzi has died

Vice-Chancellor André Simonazzi has died

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Federal Chancellery

Bern, May 11, 2024 – Federal Council Speaker and Vice Chancellor André Simonazzi died on Friday while hiking. The news of his death shocked the members of the Federal Council and the Federal Chancellor. The Federal Council and Chancellor express their deepest condolences to the family and relatives.

In November 2008, André Simonazzi was appointed Vice Chancellor and Federal Council Speaker. Since January 1, 2009, he has attended government meetings, taken minutes and handled communications. In the Federal Chancellery he headed several sections and the presidential service.

André Simonazzi was a public servant in the best sense of the word. The standard that he applied to his work and that of his colleagues was the legal information mandate. He saw government communication as a service to the public and the government. He wanted to use her to create the best possible conditions for the Federal Council and its work.

It is to André Simonazzi’s credit that the Federal Council’s information activities are up to date. Under his leadership, communication was professionalized and digitalized. He has persistently strengthened their coordination and made them an integral part of government operations.

When he encountered resistance, he resorted to arguments, wit and charm. The crises of the last few years have also been a major challenge in terms of communication. He persistently explained to everyone involved how important continuous crisis communication is. And he tirelessly made his own contribution to it. With him, the entire federal administration is losing a wonderful person and a great colleague.

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He liked to seek relaxation in the mountains. On Friday he collapsed on one of his beloved hikes and died. André Simonazzi was 55 years old. He leaves behind a wife and three adult children. The members of the Federal Council and the Federal Chancellor express their deepest condolences.

The relatives ask media representatives to respect their grief and not to contact them.

Address for inquiries

Ursula Eggenberger
Head of Communication Section
058 462 37 63
[email protected]


Federal Chancellery

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