Home » Viktoria Reitan about Beckham’s son: – Cute

Viktoria Reitan about Beckham’s son: – Cute

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Viktoria Reitan about Beckham’s son: – Cute

Viktoria Reitan (23) caught the interest of the British press when she and Cruz Beckham (19) were at a restaurant together in Paris in March.

Reitan is an artist under the name “Bby Ivy”, and is the daughter of Siv Beate and Magnus Reitan. He is head of Reitan Kapital – which manages assets from, among other things, the Rema 1000 chain.

When the 23-year-old was a guest on Morten Hegseth’s podcast “MORTEN”, he was honest that the Paris photos were what sparked her curiosity.

The presenter wonders what it was like to have “paparazzi pictures” taken of them.

Reitan replies that it was an unusual situation, but that Beckham was reassuring.

– Then he held my hand and was very sweet, says the artist.

The Daily Mail referred to her as “Norwegian singer”, instead of the classic “mystery girl”, which Reitan was happy with.

– It was cool that my music was being talked about, and not other things, she asserts.

In the podcast, she reveals that it was Beckham who made contact first.

– He sent me a message on Instagram, she says, and adds:

– I think he was a bit sweet.

She also says that they share an interest in music.

– He is super talented on the guitar.

The two were also spotted together last weekend. Then mentioned Daily Mail her as Beckham’s “friend”.

Hegseth tries to clarify what the status is between them today. Reitan is somewhat reserved, and says Beckham will have to answer for that.

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Then the presenter says: “but is there something in the air?”

– Yes, comments Reitan.

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