Home » Vitamin E will allow you to never age: to get enough you should eat these foods

Vitamin E will allow you to never age: to get enough you should eat these foods

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Vitamin E will allow you to never age: to get enough you should eat these foods
Vitamin E anti age-ifood (source Pixabay)

Are you getting enough vitamin E? Check the food list if your favorite foods are present, and if not, run for cover.

The Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, it is fat-soluble and is absorbed by the liver. Why is it so important for our body? For several reasons.

First it helps prevent cancer: it is cardioprotective and also decreases the risk of stroke and heart attack. In short, a real panacea. But not only.

It has antioxidant properties, therefore it helps to protect tissues and counteract free radicals, responsible for premature aging. Vitamin E also protects our body from damage caused by cigarette smoke, which dulls the complexion and makes the skin dry and dull.

And it also promotes protein intake. It is therefore very important to take the right dose of this vitamin, which, in addition to all the others, is good for our body and helps us to have a long and healthy life. But where do we find it? In which foods and foods? And do we get enough? Let’s try to answer these questions.

How much should we take and where do we find it

As we said the Vitamin E he is a powerful antioxidant, and this is its greatest advantage. In addition to protecting from free radicals and the damage they cause to our body, it helps prevent the onset of some types of cancer. It even reduces the possibility of being affected by degenerative diseases, such as the terrible and dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. How much should we take daily? Let’s say that an adult individual needs between 7 and 15 mg of vitamin E.

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In which foods do we find it? Let’s make a list: in semi, for example sunflower, corn; and in different types of olio, i.e. peanuts, corn, sunflower, cod liver, coconut and of course in extra virgin olive oil. Again, in the germ and bran of wheat, nellto nuts, then almonds, cashews, pine nuts and hazelnuts. In olive and in cereals, especially in rice. We also find it nell’avocado, in the dairy products, in the fruit. And of course in the vegetables, particularly the green leafy one such as spinach, turnip tops, broccoli, but also tomatoes e asparagus.

vitamin E nei cibi-ifood
Vitamin E nei cibi-ifood (source Pixabay)

Deficiencies and excess

It must be said that we will hardly have a vitamin E deficiency since the liver absorbs and stores it. But it can happen in case of malnutrition or too restrictive very low-fat diet. A lack of it causes vision disorders, nervous system disorders, fatigue and growth defects in children.

We add that this type of vitamin is reduced with high temperatures, so frying or long cooking can decrease its intake. In case of excess instead we will have hypertension, tiredness, reduction of thyroid hormones.

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