Home » Voices from Gaza – “Here in the camp we don’t even have usable toilets. My house? Gone, now the Israeli army is there”

Voices from Gaza – “Here in the camp we don’t even have usable toilets. My house? Gone, now the Israeli army is there”

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Voices from Gaza – “Here in the camp we don’t even have usable toilets. My house? Gone, now the Israeli army is there”

Hygienic conditions in refugee camps Rafah they are terrible. Hundreds of thousands of displaced people have massed here, fleeing from Gaza City it’s yes Khan Younis, in the grip of the Israeli army for days. And the lack of equipped areas and water for cleaning makes access to the bathrooms almost impossible. For this reason, the 24-year-old Qusai equipped himself with the little he had available, land and some sheet metal, and built a makeshift bathroom. “They set up a communal bathroom away from here, but it was really dirty. Life here is miserable. There is no water, there is no hygiene” he tells the operators Oxfam. The young man first dropped out Gaza City to move to the south a Khan Younis and then, faced with new evacuation orders, he reached Rafah. Always walking. “The area where we lived now is a military station of the Israeli army. The houses, buildings and towers were bombed, there was nothing left standing. There are only tanks. It was revenge.”

Meanwhile, a new appeal has arrived from Oxfam cease-firein particular after the first pronunciation by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which decided not to dismiss the charges of genocide against Israel. “The order and provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice represent a crucial step in the recognition of the atrocities committed in Gaza by the State of Israel, to stop the bloodshed and the unimaginable horrors that 2.3 million Palestinians are suffering” is the comment of Paolo Pezzati, spokesperson for humanitarian crises for Oxfam Italia . “Israeli military action caused it mass displacement of an entire people, using hunger as a weapon of war and denying them the aid they desperately need. At the same time, all states – particularly those that support Israel through the supply of weapons, despite the clear risk that they will be used to commit war crimes – must respect the Court’s ruling and Don’t be complicit of actions that disregard it. We urge all countries, including Italy, to do everything in their power to ensure an immediate ceasefire, ensuring that those responsible for violations on both sides are held accountable for their actions, and working to end to Israel’s ten-year occupation of the Palestinian territories.”

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The story is part of a series of testimonies collected by Oxfam operators and managers in Gaza who ilfattoquotidiano.it decided to publish. The goal is to have a first-person account from civilians in Gaza, those who are currently paying the highest price for the conflict.

THE PETITION – There will be no significant humanitarian response without an immediate ceasefire. This is why Oxfam has launched an urgent appeal to the Italian government and European leaders which can be joined on:

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