Home » Walpurgis Night 2024: Customs, history and rituals of the Witches’ Night

Walpurgis Night 2024: Customs, history and rituals of the Witches’ Night

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Walpurgis Night 2024: Customs, history and rituals of the Witches’ Night

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– Mystical stories and ancient customs surround Walpurgis Night. According to legend, the witches hop on their brooms and ride to the Brocken.

Walpurgis Night 2024 falls on the weeks between winter and spring, which are considered a particularly mystical time. According to legend, witches wreak havoc and people perform rituals to ensure a successful harvest in summer. The highlight of this time is the legendary Walpurgis Night. But what happens on this night and where does it take place? Find all the answers here.

When is Walpurgis Night 2024?

Walpurgis Night, also known as Witches’ Night Brake known, takes place in the Night between April 30th and May 1st away. In 2024 the date falls on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. Walpurgis itself is not a public holiday. Since the following day is May 1st and is therefore a public holiday, everyone who celebrated Witches’ Night can sleep in.

What happens on Witches’ Night?

If traditional Central and Northern European festival Walpurgis Night is celebrated on the night of April 30th to May 1st. During the “Dance into May” winter is driven away and spring is welcomed.

The legends say that on Walpurgis Night Put the witches on their brooms and ride together to Blocksberg. There they hold a big party and dance around the fire. The witches then kiss the devil and marry him. In return they receive a witch’s mark and the ability to perform magic.

Walpurgis Night, meaning and origin – the mystery of the Witches’ Night

The stories surrounding the witches and Walpurgis Night sound eerie and spooky. Of course, these are mostly myths. But as with most legends, there is a grain of truth behind it.

Walpurgis Night: Is the legend of Blocksberg true?

The legend that the witches fly to the Blocksberg – the Brocken in the Harz Mountains – is said to be real herbal ointment be. The witches are said to have rubbed themselves with this ointment, which contained herbs such as St. John’s wort, datura and belladonna, before their flight. The hallucinations that the cream is said to have caused are believed to be the cause of the Blocksberg stories.

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Where does Walpurgis Night get its name?

The Walpurgis Night is named after the abbess “Walpurga” which has its name day on May 1st. Through her canonization and the numerous miracleswhich are attributed to her, she establishes a connection with Walpurgis 2024.

What does Goethe have to do with Walpurgis Night?

The Witches’ Night really became famous thanks to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. In “Faust” describes the scene of Walpurgis Night and thus makes today’s Friday night popular. In his ballad “The First Walpurgis Night” Goethe describes the fight between pagan druids and Christian priests, although he obviously sympathizes with the pagans.

Freinacht 2024: Walpurgis Night and its rituals

Whether it’s a demonic witch dance place or a happy festival to say goodbye to winter: there are many, especially in the Harz Mountains Customs and ritualswhich are tied to this mystical night.

  • In the so-called Freinacht or “Prank Night”, it is a custom in the Harz, according to some people to do nonsense. This includes, for example, hanging out garden doors or hiding maypoles. If the garden door is open, it is permitted to steal objects that night and place them somewhere else (undamaged and findable).
  • They are also a spectacular attraction big bonfire, which are set on fire in towns such as Bad Grund, Schierke and Thale in the Harz Mountains. There is also often additional programming there.
  • A popular custom among young couples is to kiss your lover Putting a maypole in front of the house. The maypole, usually a birch tree, is a symbol of fertility and is said to bring good luck.
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If you want to experience the rituals of Walpurgis Night 2024 yourself, spend the night of May 1st in the Harz and let yourself be carried away by the customs of the witches. Mystical and eerie entertainment is provided here.

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