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What is happening with Israel and the funding of the UN agency for Palestinians, known as UNRWA?

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What is happening with Israel and the funding of the UN agency for Palestinians, known as UNRWA?

UNRWA funding suspension raises questions about fate of millions of Palestinian refugees

The suspension of funding by a growing number of Western countries to a United Nations agency that provides support for Palestinian refugees has raised serious concerns about the fate of the 5.9 million refugees it serves.

The United States and at least 12 of its allies withdrew funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), following accusations by Israel that some of its staff were involved in the Hamas attack on October 7, which led to an estimated 1,200 casualties and over 250 hostages.

Israel subsequently launched a war against the extremist group, which resulted in the displacement of over 2.3 million residents in Gaza, who are in dire need of humanitarian aid.

Repercussions of ceasing UNRWA operations

For Palestinian refugees who rely on UNRWA’s critical aid and services, the potential cessation of UNRWA operations would lead to dire prospects.

In addition to the 2 million Gazans who depend on the agency’s assistance, millions of other Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries such as Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon rely on UNRWA’s aid.

The United Nations warned that the current funding is insufficient and that UNRWA could run out of funds as early as February. Leo Cans, head of the Gaza mission of Doctors Without Borders, pointed out that the suspension of UNRWA aid would lead to a significant deterioration of the situation, with people dying of hunger and poverty.

UNRWA’s essential role

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UNRWA has been the main humanitarian aid group in Gaza, providing vital assistance such as food, healthcare, education, and psychological support for decades. The agency has served as a lifeline for the most vulnerable populations, including refugees and those displaced by war.

Where Israel stands

Israeli leaders have long campaigned against UNRWA and have sought to delegitimize the agency, proposing its complete dismantling. The threat to remove UNRWA from Gaza has caused alarm among UN officials, especially with the agency’s key role in providing life-saving support.

The fate of millions of Palestinian refugees is now hanging in the balance, with increasing concerns about the potential humanitarian crisis if the agency is forced to cease operations. The international community, including the United Nations, is calling for a reconsideration of the decisions to suspend funding to avoid leaving millions of refugees without critical aid.

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