Home » What is Holy Saturday and what is the difference between Easter Sunday and Easter

What is Holy Saturday and what is the difference between Easter Sunday and Easter

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What is Holy Saturday and what is the difference between Easter Sunday and Easter

What is Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday – Infobae montage credit

On March 24, the religious celebration known as Holy Week began, which lasts seven uninterrupted days. In this period there are days for the church and the Catholic and Christian religion.

For example, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday are the most important because of the meaning they have due to the situations that happened, according to the Bible, on each of these days.

According to history, Semana Mayor began to be celebrated and have relevance since the 18th century and what is done on those days is to relive everything that happened to Christ before, during and after his death. From Jerusalem until that Sunday when he was resurrected.

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What is commemorated on Good Thursday and Good Friday – Andina credit

As for Holy Thursday and Good Friday, they are two consecutive days of reflection, fasting and abstinence. The religious law says that in those 48 hours you cannot eat red or white meat and you must live a time of penance.

On Thursday, people who firmly believe spend the day remembering what happened at the last supper, visiting the 7 monuments or the 7 houses. And on Friday, the faithful live the day as the date on which Judas betrayed Jesus, giving rise to the so-called crucifixion.

As for the last two days of Holy Week, according to religious tradition, Glory Saturday and Easter Sunday follow.

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During Saturday the commemoration and remembrance of Jesus continues, but especially for faithful believers it is a day of mourning due to the death of Jesus on the Cross. In religion it represents the first of the spring full moon.

Holy Saturday is a day of mourning for the death of Jesus – credit visualIA

And although it has been repeatedly called “Holy Saturday”, it is believed that the term is incorrect and should remain as “Holy Saturday” due to the fact that occurred that day. In it, the vigil is also applied, an action that previously had to be carried out in a prolonged and obligatory manner, but since 1963 the Second Vatican Council and the Liturgical Reform have been applied, which means that people who want to apply fasting can do so. for just one hour.

Finally, Easter Sunday arrives, which, according to religious tradition, is the day of seeing the light and believing in miracles, since after the crucifixion, rebirth follows. The faithful believers celebrate a Sunday mass, light the Easter candle, reflect and commemorate the arrival of the Holy Spirit.

However, this day is also known as Easter Sunday, which will fall on March 31 in 2024 and represents the end of Holy Week. The central holiday of Christianity that commemorates, as some of its names indicate, the day on which Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

Although traditionally some people have become accustomed to holding processions on this day representing the 12 apostles, before Mary and Jesus. Some theatrical performances are also usually performed with the idea of ​​illustrating the above.

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But there are some families that are accustomed to decorating Easter eggs, a food that, since the beginning of humanity, was considered a symbol of fertility, hope and rebirth.

Over time this tradition evolved and acquired other nuances, such as, for example, in the 19th century, chocolate eggs and the gifts that are given when collecting them began to become popular.

When are Easter eggs collected – credit Getty Images

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