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Who inspires our international politics? Who is the animal rights activist in favor of synthetic steak? — SOROS EVERYWHERE

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Who inspires our international politics? Who
is the animal rights activist in favor of synthetic steak?



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Come to terms with a state funeral, equal to a mafia warning, intended, with the Mattarella figurehead on the bow of the ship, to perpetuate what is still spreading from the coffin. making the recalcitrant understand “watch out for you!!”

Having survived, in the Manduria farm, a flood of saliva more overwhelming than that of the Po in Romagna, in which, in synchronized swimming, Potere Unico and Fourth Estate (the Melonian sultanate and the Grand Master of Ceremonies of the Court)…

Witnessed the incineration of Bruno Vespa at the mere appearance of the hardcover of Julian Assange…

Were enchanted by the US elective judicial system, where the law for Trump is one and that for the dynastic couple Biden and Clinton is another, in fact there really isn’t…

Noting how this civilization of the legal instrument, calibrated on who deserves and who doesn’t, has faithfully reverberated by us with a justice reform that has made dance in their respective niches, both the mummy of Arcore, and a revived Al Capone, like the Abba , from the hologramatic marvels of Artificial Intelligence….

We leave the sentence suspended, open to incalculable developments given the pressure of events in Italy at the time of the Fascist Fascist resurfaced from the excavations between the Quirinale and Palazzo Chigi. And let’s move on to serious stuff.

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Who makes Italian foreign policy? Taians? As if to say that the little boy with Lego would be an architect. And then Alfano? Di Maio? Mogherini? Giulio Terzi of Sant’Agata? Frattini? Hardcovers placed on the balconies of the Farnesina. Maybe D’Alema, Andreatta, Andreotti, De Michelis have done a little something, but always strictly within the enclosure of the garden gnomes.

Instead, foreign policy is dictated to us by prestigious private individuals who, considered by our international “partners” as little more than on-off buttons to press when it is necessary to let us know what we have to think about ourselves and the world. They are the highly pompous NGOs, full of names, suppliers, supporters, sponsors, godparents and financiers of the tour that counts (with us) and which is entrusted outside. Some completely improvised, essentially to make an impression in the talks. Others with knowledge and expertise, they know about geography and distinguish the Netherlands Antilles from the British ones, they offer courses of study, they pride themselves on preparing future diplomats.

They are IAI, Istituto Affari Internazionali, owned by a certain Nathalie Tocci, diplomatic test with a passion for confrontation, who boycotted and denounced the study of Floris, on Tuesday, because there are iconoclasts like yours truly. Then there is ISPI, the Institute for International Political Studies, very close to Western intelligence through its president and director, respectively former head of the DIS, Security Information Department, and the Italian head of Trilateral. And do you think the usual brothers of the apocalypse, Ford, Rockefeller, Soros, don’t keep an eye on them? Or are they not being watched? Do they do anything else? Are you kidding? They take care of everything.

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But there is also, dear to the Left, e Because, since left is, Limes, a magazine, founded and directed by the superb Lucio Caracciolo. Again, respectable knowledge of things, places, directions and guidelines, past, present and perspective. Regularly, consistently, framed in the vision of the world, of good and evil, as painted for us on the screen of Western values ​​by the Powers we know. So, among other things, it is Russia that attacks and it is Russia that obviously kidnaps (Russian) children.

If Tocci goes for stars and stripes butterflies, if ISPI is the bungalow in the garden
of western intelligence, Caracciolo, well (trans)dressed, is the most dangerous.

Then there is the story of pigs, indeed, of pigs. Already covered in the previous episode of “EcoMondocane”, but here brought to its surprising conclusions. Denounce the opprobrium of farms, the infamies of animal treatments! But how good! It is a pity that the very noble objective has a motive which denies it: no more pork, but long live laboratory meat! The synthetic one, that of Bill Gates and other massacrers of all ours good things with great taste. Is she the heroic reporter who faced the excesses of bad breeders for Report? She has been, since 2008, in the Italian Radicals, embedded with Emma Bonino in turn embedded with George Soros. Who is also the financier and godfather of Avaaz, a US NGO committed to supporting imperial wars around the world, with breaks to defend polar bears, or the trees in the park near the house. The anti-farm reporter for Report, again in 2008, became the Italian manager.

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Do you get me? Everything is finesay the French

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