Home » Who was Ebrahim Raisi, the ultra-conservative president of Iran

Who was Ebrahim Raisi, the ultra-conservative president of Iran

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Who was Ebrahim Raisi, the ultra-conservative president of Iran

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Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran who died on Sunday in a helicopter crash, was 63 years previous and had been president since 2021, when he gained the elections acquiring 17.9 million preferences, 62 p.c of the overall, in line with knowledge from the Ministry of ‘Internal. He was an expression of the ultra-conservative part of Iranian politics and was thought-about very near the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, absolutely the chief of Iran and consultant of essentially the most radical faction of the regime, of which he was additionally credited as a possible successor.

Raisi had held varied roles within the Islamic Republic of Iran, till turning into head of the nation’s judicial system in 2019. Already then his appointment was thought-about a turning level within the regime’s additional conservative route. In 1988, on the finish of the conflict Iran was preventing in opposition to Iraq and ten years after the Khomeini revolution, he was a part of one of many so-called “dying commissions” that ordered mass executions of hundreds of political prisoners and enemy combatants . Those executions lasted 5 months, and it was by no means attainable to estimate with certainty the variety of deaths, nonetheless within the order of hundreds.

Since he was president, the Iranian regime had applied a ferocious and violent repression of dissent, notably after the road protests that started following the dying of Mahsa Amini.

Amini was a 22-year-old lady who died on September 16, 2022 in Tehran after being arrested by the spiritual police for not having appropriately worn the Islamic veil, or hijab, as required by Iranian legal guidelines. It is estimated that not less than 500 protesters have been killed, hundreds injured and not less than 20,000 arrested within the clashes, with recurring studies of abuse, torture and rape in prisons and detention centres. Seven of these arrested have been sentenced to dying by hanging.

(AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)

Raisi’s Iran had additionally resumed its navy nuclear program, following the withdrawal of the United States from the historic 2015 settlement, which restricted the probabilities for Iran to develop the know-how to create a nuclear weapon in trade for the removing of some worldwide sanctions imposed on the Iranian financial system.

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The settlement had been canceled by then US President Donald Trump, however Iran had however retained a few of its parts within the hope of having the ability to reactivate it as soon as Trump left the presidency. With the 2021 elections, nonetheless, the reasonable president Hassan Rouhani, who had made the nuclear settlement some of the vital targets of his mandate, was changed by Raisi himself, who throughout the negotiations of latest years to return to the settlement had at all times maintained very intransigent positions, contributing to fueling a deep mutual mistrust between the 2 events.

It is a longtime proven fact that below Raisi’s presidency Iran had resumed its nuclear program, however one which he had at all times formally denied, blocking any attainable worldwide inspection. He then financed and educated varied radical Shiite navy teams to extend his affect within the Middle East. In overseas coverage he had intensified commerce relations and collaboration with Russia and China and re-established diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia.

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