Home » William, Kate and the three children: all together (in defiance of the Sussexes) to remember Queen Elizabeth

William, Kate and the three children: all together (in defiance of the Sussexes) to remember Queen Elizabeth

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William, Kate and the three children: all together (in defiance of the Sussexes) to remember Queen Elizabeth

In London, the time has come to give the coup de grace to the already very creased image of the Sussexes who are experiencing their worst moment, between the air of divorce or simple separation for professional reasons. As if to underline “that they are family”, or called in their language, “we are family”, William and Kate and their three children – surprisingly – appeared in public, all reunited happily ever after. Even to participate in the event, the children were allowed to stay home from school.

So here’s Kate and William with their three boys reunited on a surprise visit to the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF, Gloucestershire. Usually to see all five of them reunited there is a need for a wedding or a funeral, usually in fact at least little Louis stays at home. But this time he couldn’t miss either. The princes, in fact, wanted to take the boys to the largest air show in the world so loved by Queen Elizabeth. More: for the occasion, Kate, William, George, Charlotte and Louis boarded the plane that brought Elizabeth for her last trip, from Edinburgh to London, before her funeral. In short, a gesture of affection for the great-grandmother of the three little ones.

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Naturally, little Louis put on a show as always, blatantly plugging his ears as the planes passed, while the eldest son George and his little sister Charlotte appeared more polite than ever: already miniature sovereigns. Perfect as always – someone says «how boring though» – mother Kate Middleton. Kate Middleton. That this time too she has done nothing wrong in terms of look, as the British tabloids recognize her: super chic with a beige blazer, white blouse and blue trousers.

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Luckily the boys were allowed sneakers instead. And William? He appeared as a loving, involved and above all relaxed dad. The character, it must be said, seems to have been inherited from Diana more than from Charles III, who is always rather nervous.

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