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You are with the president of Honduras Info

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You are with the president of Honduras  Info

Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke this afternoon in the Great Hall of the People with the President of the Republic of Honduras Xiomara Castro de Sela, who is on a state visit to China.

Source: Promo

“China and Honduras established diplomatic relations in March of this year, and you are the first president to pay a state visit to China. Your arrival has opened a new historical chapter of China-Honduras relations and is of special and great importance,” Xi said, extending a warm welcome to the Honduran president.

“You are the first female president of Honduras. “Since you took office, you have led the Honduran people to develop and progress independently, you have advocated for achieving new success in national development, for that I sincerely congratulate you,” said President Xi.

“You resolutely fulfilled the promises made in the elections to establish diplomatic ties with China, making a historic decision and showing a resolute political will. Your husband, former Honduran President Manuel Selaja, also played a positive role in this. History will remember your contributions to China-Honduras relations,” said Xi.

Xi emphasized that the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries has long-term benefits. “The Chinese Embassy in Honduras was officially opened last year, you sent cabinet members to the opening ceremony of the embassy, ​​which fully demonstrated the great attention you pay to relations with China. “Numerous delegations of journalists and business people from Honduras recently visited China, many of them stated that their experience of China changed radically through the visit, showing their desire to be eternal friends of the Chinese people,” Xi recalled.

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China will resolutely develop relations with Honduras, unswervingly support economic and social development in Honduras, and wishes to develop friendship and partnership with Honduras characterized by mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and common development. “I want to improve the development of bilateral relations with you, so that the good desire of the two countries for cooperation turns into tangible benefits,” said Xi Jinping.

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