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Keys to understanding the political crisis that Ecuador is experiencing

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Keys to understanding the political crisis that Ecuador is experiencing

The decision of Guillermo Lasso, president of Ecuador, to dissolve Congress through the measure called ‘cross death’ has caused great controversy not only in the country but also in Latin America. Opponents have considered it unconstitutional, while members of the Government reiterate that it is a necessary measure.

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It should be remembered that Lasso decreed this Wednesday in the middle of the impeachment trial against him the so-called “cross death”, which dissolves the National Assembly (Parliament), with an opposition majority, and calls early general electionsso that he will rule by decree until his successor takes over.

In a message to the nation, Lasso announced this measure contemplated in the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008 due to “serious internal and political commotion”, after having appeared before the Assembly on Tuesday to make his defense argument against the accusation made by the opposition for an alleged crime of embezzlement (embezzlement).

The president resorted to the “cross death” before waiting for the debate that was to take place in the Chamber to later vote on the motion of no confidence, in which 92 votes are required to remove the head of state, equivalent to two thirds of the chamber.

Would ‘cross death’ be unconstitutional?

The opposition Social Christian Party (PSC) announced that it will file an unconstitutionality lawsuit against the decree by which the head of stateGuillermo Lasso, dissolved Parliament and called for early elections of authorities of the Legislative and Executive.

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In a statement, the PSC stated that At the moment there are no causes to apply the so-called “cross death”, that contemplates the Magna Carta, for which it considered that the head of state has violated the Constitution.

“We will proceed to present before the Constitutional Court a claim of unconstitutionality with a precautionary measure of suspension of Executive Decree 741 of May 17, 2023,” reads the letter posted on the Twitter account of the Social Christian leader, Jaime Nebot.

The PSC considered that “politically and in practice, the President has declared himself a dictator, even if it is for a short time”, since he will rule by decree until the elections are held, as established by the Constitution.

In a message to the nation, Lasso announced the death cross, contemplated in the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008 for “serious internal and political commotion”, after having appeared on Tuesday before the Assembly to make his defense statement against the accusation made by the opposition for an alleged crime of embezzlement (embezzlement).

The president resorted to “cross death” before the start of the second day of debate that was to take place in the Chamber to later vote on the motion of no confidence, in which 92 votes are required to remove him, equivalent to two thirds of the chamber .

The Minister of Government, Henry Cucalón, defended Lasso’s decision and assured that “The country is not ready for de facto measuresbut always based on law”.

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“If any citizen, including the ex-assembly member, believes it is appropriate to present the corresponding appeals before the Constitutional Court, it is valid and it will be the Court that decides,” he said on the Teleamazonas television network.

Although Cucalón insisted that “it will be the Court that rules”, at the moment “the decree is executed, the National Assembly is dissolved, it is duly notified.”

In a maximum of seven days, the National Electoral Council “must call early legislative and presidential elections, and the Ecuadorian people assume the responsibility of going to the polls, to improve the destinies of the nation,” he pointed out.

Asked if Lasso will be a candidate for re-election, he noted: “The President of the Republic will inform, in due time, what is his legitimate and legal decision to participate, or not, in the elections.”

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