Home » Climbing animals, the koala is at risk of extinction, photo

Climbing animals, the koala is at risk of extinction, photo

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Il koala is an endangered species, threatened by a chlamydia epidemic which is decimating this animal in Australia.
There is a race against time with an experimental vaccine in New South Wales, one of the Australian states where marsupials live. In addition to chlamydia, which causes blindness, infertility and ultimately death, fires threaten the disappearance of the koala.
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Climbing animals, the koala is at risk of extinction, photo

Small and compact

Koalas have a small and compact body, with an average length of about 60-85 centimeters and a weight that varies between 4 and 15 kilograms. They have a broad, round muzzle, furry ears, large eyes, and a distinctive black nose. Their fur is thick and woolly, gray or brown in color, with white patches on the chest and belly.

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Incredible climber

Koalas are excellent climbers and spend most of their time in trees. They have sharp claws and strong arms and legs that help them move nimbly through branches. They also have five toes on each paw, with opposable thumbs, allowing them to grip trees tightly.

What do koalas eat

Koalas are herbivores and feed mainly on eucalyptus leaves, which make up almost their entire diet. They are very selective in their choice of leaves, preferring young and tender ones. They have a specialized digestive system which allows them to digest the toxic and low nutrient value leaves of eucalyptus trees.

Solitary animal

Koalas are nocturnal and spend most of the day sleeping or resting in trees. They are solitary and territorial animals, except during the mating season. Communication occurs mainly through olfactory cues, such as the scent glands on the chest of males.

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The pouch

Koalas gestate for about 35 days. The young, called joeys, are born underdeveloped and move into the mother’s pouch, where they complete development. They remain in the pouch for about 6-7 months and are suckled with their mother’s milk. After this period, they begin to emerge from the pouch and explore the trees, but continue to nurse for some time.

Risk of extinction

The koala is considered a vulnerable species due to habitat loss, human expansion, the logging industry and forest fires. Furthermore, they are threatened by disease, predators and climate change. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this species and its habitat.
Photo Pexels, Pixabay


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