Home » Catanzaro, beats his underage partner to make her have an abortion: a 20-year-old arrested – breaking latest news

Catanzaro, beats his underage partner to make her have an abortion: a 20-year-old arrested – breaking latest news

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Catanzaro, beats his underage partner to make her have an abortion: a 20-year-old arrested – breaking latest news

A twenty year old it was arrested by the carabinieri of Catanzaro, in Calabria, with the accusation of abuse in the family and attempted abortion. The man, father of the unborn child, would have hit with numerous kicks the underage partner in different parts of the body to force her to terminate the pregnancy.

The 16-year-old suffered injuries that forced her to go to hospital, from which she was discharged with a 21-day prognosis, before being taken to a protected facility.

The violence took place on the evening of May 16: the carabinieri intervened after that the minor, in tears, went to the hospital Pugliese-Ciaccio of the Calabrian capital complaining that she was hit by her partner after a heated argument. The military collected the victim’s complaint and various elements in support of the girl’s statements that led to the provision of pre-trial detention at home, issued by the Gip of Catanzaro at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, against the 20-year-old of Moroccan origin already known to the police.

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