Home » Strawberries are not a fruit: 5 things you should know

Strawberries are not a fruit: 5 things you should know

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Strawberries are not a fruit: 5 things you should know

Shocking news for strawberry lovers as they are not a real fruit. How is it possible?

Strawberries, what a passion! Now with the advent of summer, a nice basket of these precious red pearls of Nature is just what you need. They can be enjoyed simply or with a dollop of whipped cream or dipped in melted chocolate, to make them even more delicious. Not only that, they are also often used as ingredients, to make incredible dishes, both sweet and savory, from tiramisu to risotto, for example, not to mention their mere use as a decoration for cakes.

As can be seen, therefore, there are many possibilities in the kitchen to exploit them and make the most of them, making the whole family happy as it is one of the most loved fruits due to its captivating color and juicy pulp, with a balanced flavour, neither too sour nor particularly sweet. Furthermore strawberries are a panacea for health, in view of the multiple beneficial properties contained in them. Water, vitamins, fibers and mineral salts, precious allies for safeguarding our body, from the prevention of cardiovascular diseases to an anti-aging action.

So reassuring news for consumers, even if another alarming discovery immediately follows: in fact strawberries are not a fruit, arousing no small fear of what is consumed every day. The truth about it is truly shocking.

Strawberries, what are they? That truth you don’t expect

It is difficult to have to change perspective, precisely because in common practice they have always been defined as fruits. Of different varieties, it is difficult to resist that enveloping taste and those vivid and bright chromatic nuances, from red to that touch of purplish colour. Spring is the season in which they are best savored but, as we said earlier, they are not exactly what we have always thought of, considering them to be quite the opposite. In the light of such a perplexing piece of news, what do we bring to the table every day?

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The real fruits are the achenes or yellow seeds – tantasalute.it

Strawberry is a perennial plant consisting of small white flowers with long petiolesbelonging to the family of Rosaceaesubfamily Rosoideae and gender Fragaria, of which there are many subspecies. That’s why that’s not what it always seemed like why that pulp so tasty, from the name receptacle in botanica, comes from an inflorescence which, growing more and more, it incorporates the so-called achenes or those little yellow seeds set in the alveoli, consider them the true fruit.

Who would have thought it, considering the fact that the botanical reference was known but without having any idea how it was formed. Although such a curious and delicious secret has been revealed, probably nothing will have changed for the most passionate, continuing to love and appreciate them as soon as possible. In fact, one leads to another, as they say, as a snack or a healthy snack and from now on it will be difficult not to think of those little flowers ready to blossom.

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