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What happens to your body (and health) when you eat chilli – breaking latest news

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What happens to your body (and health) when you eat chilli – breaking latest news
Of Christine Brown

Annoying reactions such as sweating, burning or stomach pain change according to habit and DNA. Eating spicy has proven health benefits. Emergency remedies for when you overdo it

Many people like to add one handful of pepper or one sprinkle of pepper to give that extra touch and liven up the taste of dishes by stimulating the heat receptors on the tongue and which cause that sensation, for many pleasant, of burning on the lips, in the mouth in the throat. «A premise, however, is obligatory – he warns Stefano Erzegovesinutritionist and psychiatrist – spicy taste tolerance is genetically regulated, which is why a Calabrian or Mexican person will be able to tolerate levels of spiciness that in other people would cause devastating gastroenteritis and cystitis». But what consequences can consuming hot pepper have on our body?


The reaction is almost immediate: you feel a burning sensation in your mouth, throat, you turn red and start to welding. «One of the receptors to which capsaicin (the main alkaloid of chilli) binds – explains Erzegovesi – is in fact the ion channel receptor TRPV1, the same receptor sensitive to temperature rises and garlic painful stimuli. Il braintherefore, registers the arrival of capsaicin as a signal of the type “heat warning”, therefore sweating». In essence, capsaicin tricks the body into believing that the temperature has increased, and therefore the brain thinks it needs to disperse heat. And man does it mostly by sweating. Also other chemicals present in the pepeIn the horseradish, in the mustard they trigger the same mechanism, but in a less powerful way. “For this reason spices are therefore useful in hot countries: in addition to having an antiseptic effect, they facilitate the dispersion of heat” adds the nutritionist.

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Gastrointestinal discomfort

Eating spicy foods in moderation is generally safe for people who don’t already have stomach problems. However, it can cause inflammation in areas that aid in digestion and can sometimes lead to heartburn, stomach pain or diarrhoea. People with
may be particularly sensitive to increases in the abdominal pain. «The “heat” effect – underlines Erzegovesi – involves an increase in blood circulation at the level of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. There are no problems if the mucous membranes are intact and/or if the amount of capsaicin is low. But if the concentration of capsaicin is high or if you suffer from gastritis or irritable bowel problems of acid reflux, stomach pain, tummy ache and diarrhea are almost inevitable.

Health benefits

Studies have shown that consuming spicy foods may be associated with some health benefits. «The beneficial effects of chili peppers, in particular of its active ingredient, capsaicin, are many and documented – adds the nutritionist – starting from the fact that stimulates the production of brown fat, which speeds up the metabolism and therefore consumes more calories. In addition, it improves Hdl, the so-called good cholesterol, reduces triglycerides and C-reactive protein, so it hinders pro-inflammatory molecules and has a protective effect on atherosclerotic diseases, an effect that makes it an important ally in preventing cardiovascular disease. Capsaicin also acts on substance P, a mediator of the pain signal and with effects on headaches, toothaches and all kinds of pain.

A recent study found that taking a daily capsaicin supplement it sped up metabolism, and participants burned the equivalent of 200 extra calories per day for two weeks. «It is however a job to be taken with a grain of salt – reflects Erzegovesi – because the necessary daily amount of capsaicin, corresponding to 4-5 Habanero peppers, would disturb the belly of the majority of us Italians». However, chili has also been associated with a lower risk of cancer – underlines Erzegovesi – all spices they have a antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, even without the effect of capsaicin. Therefore it is not necessary that the spice to be added is the chilli.

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Spicy chili also owns antibacterial and antioxidant properties which can have a positive effect on the intestinal flora. Naturally, for the protective effects, both the quantities count (one thing is a sprinkle on the pasta, another is taking massive doses as people do in South America, for example) and the difference between the peppers in terms of spiciness.

What to do when you go overboard with the spicy

What to do if you go overboard with the spicy? If you swallow a bite with more spice than you can handle it is suggested eat something with a high fat content. «Capsaicin is in fact a cfat-soluble compound – underlines the nutritionist – therefore the water “slips over” and has no effect. Better to opt for small piece of bread and butter. I use spray whipped cream as an “first aid” remedy: a full spoon, to be “massaged” with the tongue on all the mucous membranes of the mouth». Finally, it should be remembered that the capsaicin is concentrated in the seeds: eliminating them or removing some before adding chilli pepper to a dish is the best way to limit the burning sensation.

May 21, 2023 (change May 21, 2023 | 07:48)

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