Home » Suspect itchy skin? It could be the signal of this particular pathology

Suspect itchy skin? It could be the signal of this particular pathology

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Suspect itchy skin?  It could be the signal of this particular pathology

Skin itching can be suspicious and linked to some skin pathologies, becoming an alarm bell for a pathology.

Itching, pain, redness of the skin can be demonstrations directly connected to the skin therefore due to an allergy, a rash or a specific problem but they can also be symptoms linked to other problems.

However they come thick underestimated because not always a simple itch is connected to a real pathology.

Itching of the skin: when it is linked to a pathology

Il itchy skin it is a very unpleasant sensation, it is not always dangerous and sometimes it resolves spontaneously in a short time. If persistent, however, it always requires the evaluation of a specialist because it is the expression of the body that manifests an even more significant problem precisely through this condition of discomfort for the body.

Itching, when it is an alarm symptom (tantasalute.it)

Il itching of the skin for the body can derive from different causes, simple insect bites, skin allergies but also various pathologies that find their primary expression precisely through this form. This symptom can be connected to:

  • Allergies, skin lesions and dermatitis
  • Food intolerance
  • Infectious and neurological diseases, including degenerative ones
  • Temporary or permanent endocrine or kidney problems
  • Mental disorders and generalized anxiety
  • Liver diseases

In particular, itching is very frequent in diseases related to the digestive system, i.e. liver, stomach, intestines. Those who suffer from cholestasis can tell just from the itching. This pathology is due to a liver disorderan organ that deals with the production of bile, a substance composed of salts, water, proteins, cholesterol and involved in the digestive process and in the absorption of nutrients.

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When the flow of bile suffers a blockage which can be partial or total, a pathology called cholestasis is generated. The arrest in the path is determined in the initial stages with an itch of the skin which can also be accompanied by tiredness, jaundice, urine and faeces of altered color, abdominal pain. When these symptoms occur, it is important to promptly contact a specialist in order to understand the reason and identify any pathologies present.

The itch itself is not a pathology therefore it’s not always alarming, it is certainly a medical condition to pay attention to but it is never a direct element but rather an indirect nuisance. This is not to say that when you feel an itch you are always sick, but there may be an underlying condition that you are not yet aware of. Better to avoid doing it yourself and contact your doctor.

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