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Is milk good for you? Dairy products protect against diabetes and blood pressure – breaking latest news

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Is milk good for you?  Dairy products protect against diabetes and blood pressure – breaking latest news
Of Elena Meli

Moderate consumption of milk and dairy products, especially yogurt and low-fat products, reduces the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. S (with caution) even for the intolerant (the real ones)

Diabetes is also prevented at the table, by consuming adequate quantities of milk and dairy products and instead reducing red and processed meats: this was demonstrated by an Italian research from the Federico II University of Naples for which numerous revisions of previous studies were analysed, according to which dairy products are rich in nutrients that can positively influence glucose metabolism.

Dairy-free diet: what are the risks

However, this is not bad news for the lactose intolerant. If you use lactose-free products, identical in all respects to the others, with the exception of the presence of this sugar, you do not run the risk of increased susceptibility to disease or nutritional deficiencies. The problem arises ifas it often happens, who intolerant
remove indiscriminately the whole category of dairy products, because this can lead to deficiencies and prevents you from enjoying the protective effect of dairy products on some pathologies.
The risk increases even more if you ban milk and the like from the diet after being diagnosed an intolerance that does not exist: it has been calculated that every fifteen people with imaginary intolerance there is one hypertensive and one more diabetic because the nutrients present in q
These foods protect against high blood pressure and insulin resistanceas confirmed by the data of the Italian meta-analysis.

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Milk is good

However, those who manage to drink milk without discomfort can do so without fear because it does not hurt as many fear, considering it unnatural for man to consume it after the first years of life: milk does not acidify nor steal calcium from the bones, on the contrary it favors the achievement of peak bone mass thanks to the content of calcium and vitamin Dalso a good source of vitamins and amino acids. If you tolerate it without problems there is no reason to avoid it and indeed it is good to introduce it, just to avoid the risk of reducing the production of lactase and becoming intolerant.

Yogurt and cheeses for those who are truly intolerant

The Italian meta-analysis underlined that with 200 grams of dairy products a day the risk of diabetes drops by 5 percent and with 100 grams of 6 percent yogurt: the mechanism probably passes from the effect on glucose metabolism of proteins contained in dairy products and, in the case of yoghurt, from the beneficial action of
which contains. The good news is that many are lactose intolerant yoghurt isn’t a nuisance because it is naturally lower in lactose thanks to the presence of lactic ferments, bacteria that feed on lactose transforming it into lactic acid; the same happens with the kefir and with cheeses which contain lactic ferments such as brie, goat cheese, camembert, taleggio, toma, tolerable in small quantities to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Even lactic ferments as such are safe and indeed can help digest lactose better. Therefore, even those who apparently could not enjoy the anti-diabetic effect of dairy products can benefit from it by choosing the right products.

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May 22, 2023 (change May 22, 2023 | 07:03)

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