Home » The fight between Seja Sexon and Nelet Karajlić continues Entertainment

The fight between Seja Sexon and Nelet Karajlić continues Entertainment

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The fight between Seja Sexon and Nelet Karajlić continues  Entertainment

After last week’s correspondence between Nelet Karajlić and Seja Sexon, when Sexon (Davor Sučić) forbade Nelet to perform the songs of No Smoking, and the latter replied that no one can forbid him, the drama continues.

Source: Dick-concert/Promo

“Hereby, I would like to inform the public in more detail about the reasons that, in addition to the lawsuit against the illegal use of my songs in the Rock El Classico project with Stefan Milenkovic, and the annulment of illegal contracts with agencies in Serbia signed by our former member Nenad Janković, I will initiate all necessary legal actions until a court ban for all my works that the same, Dr. Nele, publicly uses and performs.

I didn’t mention this topic in my earlier letter, because I didn’t want to further pollute the space in the media, but after all the untruths that Nenad Janković presented to the public in his statement, I am still forced to answer the relevant one.shows Sejo.

He adds that according to the copyright law, any author can revoke a person’s permission to use the work if it violates the moral and ethical principles that the author considers important.

Sexon clarified who is the author of which songs.

Songs with the majority author Davor Sučić: Selena come back Selena, Kino May Day, State of shock, Doll from the front page, While you wait for tomorrow with the devil, Ibro Dirka, Baš čelik 1&2, Brut, Uncle Sam, They tell me that you have a new boyfriend, Mrs. Brahms, Hadžija il boss, How you have Great Britain became a pierced dollar, Murga drot, Ballad of Pišonja and Žuga, Maniac, I’m in bad shape (Fikreta), Heart of the hand and shovel, Guzonja’s son, Pišonja and Žuga in the hell of drugs, 12 o’clock, On guard near Prizren, Zvijezda over the Balkans.

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Songs of which the majority author is Nenad Janković: Anarchy All Over Baščaršija, Abid, Put to the center of the mine Kreka Banovići, Šeki is on the road again, Čejeni odlaže, Sunday when Hase is gone, Republic Day, Drina Canyon

Songs whose majority authors were former members of the group: I don’t want to be a Swabo in a doped movie, I remember it like it was today, Girls whose skin smells good, While you ride towards Alemannia, I have a kitchen, Make me a wolf, The joy of the first grain, I dreamed last night that I had you, Meteor, Piccola storia de grande amore

Songs in which it is not possible to determine the majority author: Posters 1 & 2 (Authors Nenad Janković and Davor Sučić in a half-half ratio)

Songs by other authors: Zenica Blues (Johnny Cash, text Davor Sučić), Dobri jarani (Lennon-McCartney, text Davor Sučić), Javi mi (Lou Reed, text Davor Sučić).

“And Nele, don’t let the fact that I live in Zagreb cause you mental pain. I’m in Sarajevo every month, at the same address on Koševo, with the same people and with the same identity card. I travel by car, bus, plane. Trust me, every form of transportation is cheaper from a tank. And in the end I will say one more thing… I don’t know why that Zagreb, where I live after the war, and in which you will soon perform yourself, you consider it a stigma and equate it with your dishonorable engagement in Belgrade, which you spent spitting on wounded Sarajevo , the glorification of the people who demolished it, stealing along the way your former comrades and their copyright. So, Nel, sing your songs. You yourself say that you have many and that people love them. Because only your heart stands behind them. If you still have have”says Sexon at the end.

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You can read the full announcement at THIS LINK.


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