Home » there is the son of Ilary and Totti, Cristina Scuccia in love. Relive the live stream

there is the son of Ilary and Totti, Cristina Scuccia in love. Relive the live stream

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In prime time on Canale 5, sixth appointment with The Island of the Famous, the program produced by Mediaset in collaboration with Banijay Italia. To comment on the episode, with the landlady Ilary Blasi, Vladimir Luxuria and Enrico Papi. Tonight a super chica and a super hombre will arrive in the Palapa: Nikita Pelizon e Aldo Montano landed in Honduras to help the tribes and surprise their friends, Helena Prestes and Andrea Lo Cicero. During the episode, the Spirit of the Island will dissolve the tribes. Starting this week, in fact, the competition will be a real free-for-all. At the end of the nominations, coordinated by Alvin, half of the castaways will be in televoting. On the island of Sant’Elena there will be the first final elimination: who between Christopher Leoni e Gian Maria Sainato will he have to go back to Italy? This was decided by a flash televoting of viewers expressed through four channels: Mediaset Infinity App, Website, Smart TV, SMS. Finally, who will have to abandon Playa Tosta between Pamela Camassa, Helena Prestes and Fabio Ricci?


The nominations of the sixth episode of L’Isola dei Famosi 2023

Corinne Clery and Marco Mazzoli nominate each other. Nathaly Caldonazzo chooses Fabio dei Jalisse. Pamela Camassa, Cristina Scuccia, Alessandra Drusian also opt for Mazzoli. Fabio and Luca nominate Corinne. The nominees of the sixth episode of L’Isola dei Famosi 2023 are: Pamela Camassa, Nathaly Caldonazzo, Luca Vetrone (the unluckiest in trials), Marco Mazzoli (nominated of the group), Corinne Clery (appointed by the leader Lo Cicero).


Christopher Leoni permanently eliminated from The Island of the Famous 2023

Christopher Leoni eliminated definitively from L’Isola dei Famosi 2023: he loses in televoting against Gian Maria Sainato. The latter stays on the last island with Helena Prestes and guest of the week Nikita Pelizon.


Ilary Blasi and that shot at Totti: “I take revenge”

Taking advantage of Pamela Camassa’s nomination, Ilary Blasi seems to be launching a dig at her ex-husband Francesco Totti. Pamela, naming Marco Mazzoli, says: “I’m a Taurus and I take revenge”. The presenter intervenes: “I’m a Taurus too.” “And you take revenge?”asks Vladimir Luxuria. “Yes, absolutely”, blatantly replies Blasi. Impossible not to think about the talk of separation between the two and the affair of the missing Rolexes.


Cristina Scuccia: “There is someone I care about in Madrid”

Cristina Scuccia confirms the gossip of the last period: she met in Madrid a special person of which he spoke for the first time to Helena Prestes on L’Isola dei Famosi. The former nun does not specify whether it is a woman or a man. “I’ve known her for a couple of months”he then explains live to Ilary Blasi. “I hope it’s still there waiting for me, it’s a sprout that needs to be protected. I feel embarrassed to talk about it because I’m not used to talking about love in this way. I think a lot about this person. I don’t talk about it because I’m afraid of being judged. My leaving the convent has nothing to do with this thing here. I haven’t even told my mother but here on the island it’s difficult to keep things secret. In the end I’m not doing anything wrong, I’m loving and I think that it is the most beautiful thing in the world“. Cristina specifies that this person lives in Spain, in Madrid, and that she misses but immediately afterwards she invites Ilary not to ask any more questions on the matter.

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Andrea Lo Cicero is the new leader of L’Isola dei Famosi

Andrea Lo Cicero wins the balance-based leader test. Earn immunity and the chance to send another castaway into nomination.


Because Vera Gemma is angry with Fiore Argento

Ilary Blasi reveals in the studio that True Gem, last year’s competitor of L’Isola dei Famosi, she is angry with her friend Fiore Argento for leaving the game a week ago.


Disbanded tribes and rescue chain

Ilary Blasi announces it dissolution of tribes: from now on the competition will be a real free-for-all. Then a rescue chain starts, the first to go are the named Pamela and Nathaly. The two decide to save Corinne Clery, who in turn saves Cristina Scuccia. The latter opts for Alessandra who saves her husband Fabio. The singer unexpectedly saves Marco Mazzoli with whom she has quarreled several times in the last period. The radio announcer saves Lo Cicero. Luca Vetrone therefore ends up in the nomination.


The kiss in apnea with Aldo Montano

In exchange for a bed, some castaways (Nathaly Caldonazzo, Alessandra Drusian, Corinne Clery), put themselves to the test with the kiss in apnea with the guest Aldo Montano. The reward is won by the group of chicas, who can thus keep the bed for two nights.


Nathaly Caldonazzo and Pamela Camassa in nominations

Nathaly Caldonazzo and Pamela Camassa end up in nominations. After losing the match against the men, all the women fall victim to the pirate’s curse: every shipwrecked woman must fish for a coconut, whoever catches the one with the black inside ends up in televoting. The most unfortunate are the two showgirls, who thus go directly to the nomination.

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Helena Prestes eliminated in L’Isola dei Famosi 2023

Helena Prestes eliminated in L’Isola dei Famosi 2023: lost in televoting against Fabio dei Jalisse and Pamela Camassa (the former obtained 35% of the votes, the latter 34%). Before leaving, the Brazilian gives Judas’ kiss, valid for a nomination, to Alessandra Drusian. She then she goes to the other island together with her friend Nikita Pelizon.


Furiosa Lite by Helena Prestes and Alessandra Drusian

Another clash between Helena Prestes and Alessandra Drusian dei Jalisse. The singer is furious with the Brazilian model: “You offend everyone”. Nikita Pelizon, who participated with Helena in Beijing Expressu on Sky a year ago, tries to defend her friend but without success. At one point Fabio intervenes, who reveals that the model asked his wife to take an antihistamine instead.


The women win the reward trial

Le Chicas, thanks to the help of the special guest Nikita Pelizon, they win the reward test by conquering big hamburgers.


Cristian Totti on L’Isola dei Famosi with his girlfriend Melissa Monti

Among the audience in the studio of the sixth episode of L’Isola dei Famosi stands out – in the front row – Christian Totti. The son of Ilary Blasi it is repeatedly framed during the live broadcast by the director Roberto Cenci. Together with the boy, who will turn 18 next November, he is there girlfriend Melissa Montiwho gets along very well with his mother-in-law but also with the former Roma captain.


Why Paolo Noise left L’Isola dei Famosi 2023

Paolo Noise reappears on L’Isola dei Famosi to announce his retirement. Reluctantly, the 48-year-old is forced to leave the Canale 5 program for some health problems not specified. “I wanted to win this experience because Paolo would have won. I realized it very late. I’m in a lot of pain but the thing that makes me happy is that they learned to love me for who I am and are proud of me. I’ve already won”says the radio announcer who then lets himself go into a long hug with his friend and colleague Marco Mazzolito whom he asks to win this edition of the reality show.



The quarrel between Marco Mazzoli and Fabio dei Jalisse

Ilary Blasi shows a summary clip of the discussions between Marco Mazzoli and Fabio of Jalisse. The two bicker even live. The musician feels like an object of gratuitous attacks and offenses by the radio announcer. The latter is instead convinced that the singer wants to stand out to emerge for television purposes.


Health problems for Alvin in L’Isola dei Famosi 2023

Ilary Blasi reveals live a Alvin’s health problem. Apparently the correspondent of L’Isola dei Famosi hasn’t been very well in the last few days. “I understand you have been affected by the curse of Montezumayou always eat fruit and…”, the amused blonde presenter blurts out. Her friend and colleague remains petrified and says nothing more. What is Montezuma’s Curse? Said vulgarly “Traveller’s Diarrhea”, is a very common syndrome among travellers. It is characterized by diarrhea of ​​variable intensity with at least three, four evacuations a day, diarrheal discharges of liquid or creamy faeces often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, general malaise.


First Challenge and Pirate’s Curse

Men and women, helped respectively by Montano and Nikita, challenge each other in an obstacle course. Whoever loses the race will be hit by pirate’s curse. In the end, the men win.


Because Paolo Noise is not present tonight at L’Isola dei Famosi

The radio announcer Paul Noise he is not present during the sixth episode of L’Isola dei Famosi 2023 because he is completing medical tests.


At L’Isola dei Famosi 2023 Nikita Pelizon and Aldo Montano

Nikita Pelizonwinner of the last edition of Big Brother Vip, and Aldo Montano land on L’Isola dei Famosi. The two were called by the production of the reality show to surprise their friends Helena Prestes and Andrea Lo Cicero. Both Nikita and Aldo try their hand at the helicopter dive.


The sixth episode of L’Isola dei Famosi starts

A few minutes before 10 pm the sixth starts episode of L’Isola dei Famosi 2023. Another total black look for Ilary Blasi: tight black jumpsuit combined with rhinestone boots. Totti’s ex-wife parades in the studio, taking off her jacket as if she were on a catwalk. The presenter then launches a clip in which all the quarrels of the week are summarized. Subsequently Ilary introduces his commentators Enrico Papi e Vladimir Luxuria: the latter mentions the recent evening spent together with Blasi and her partner Bastian Muller at the Muccassassina.


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