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Elements and natural counters to protect yourself from witchcraft

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Elements and natural counters to protect yourself from witchcraft

In this article, we are going to talk about some natural counters to protect yourself from witchcraft, that occult practice that seeks to cause harm or negatively influence people’s lives.

Witchcraft can manifest itself in various ways, such as the evil eye, envy, bad vibes, spells or spells.

Elements to protect yourself from witchcraft

To prevent these energies from affecting us, we can turn to some elements of nature that have protective and purifying properties.

Some of these elements are:

1. Amulets and Talismans

Amulets and talismans are objects charged with energy and symbolism that are used to repel negative influences.

Some common examples include:

The cross: Symbol of protection used in many cultures, it represents the connection with the divine and faith.

Turkish eye: An eye-shaped amulet believed to protect against envy and the evil eye.

The stones: Different stones and crystals are associated with protective properties, such as amethyst, black tourmaline, and quartz.

2. Herbs and Plants

They have been used for centuries in protection rituals. Some popular options are:

The rue: Known for its protective properties, it is believed to repel negative energies and bad influences.

The rosemary: Used in energy cleansing, it is believed to purify the environment and drive away undesirable energies.

The laurel: Considered a symbol of protection, it is used to ward off bad vibrations and create a barrier of positive energy.

3. Rituals and Ceremonies

Rituals and ceremonies are traditional practices that involve symbolic elements and specific actions to ward off witchcraft and negative energies.

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Some options to consider are:

The incense: Burn herbs such as incense, palo santo or copal to clean and purify the space.

The salt bath: Take a bath with sea salt or epsom salt to remove negative energies from the body and restore balance.

The visualization: Imagine a protective shield of white light around the body, strengthening one’s own energy and blocking negative influences.

4. Home Protection

The home is a sacred space that must be protected from negative energies. Some steps to take include:

Place a dream catcher at the entrance: It is believed that it traps negative energies and allows only good energies to pass through.

Using white sage: burn leaves salvia white and smoke all corners of the home to purify and release negative energies.

Place mirrors strategically: Mirrors are believed to be able to reflect negative energy outward, thus protecting the home.

Candles: they are symbols of light and faith, and have been used for centuries to illuminate altars and prayers.

Candles can help us create a sacred and harmonious environment in our home, and also repel dark forces.

We can use candles of different colors depending on the purpose we want to give them, for example, white for peace, red for love, green for health, etc.

These are some of the natural counters to protect yourself from witchcraft that we can use easily and without spending a lot of money.

The important thing is to have faith and confidence that these elements will help us maintain our positive energy and keep away all the negative.

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