Home » Energy – Greens demand more commitment from Scholz for the heating law

Energy – Greens demand more commitment from Scholz for the heating law

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Energy – Greens demand more commitment from Scholz for the heating law


Berlin (German news agency) – In the coalition dispute over the building energy law, the parliamentary director of the Green parliamentary group, Irene Mihalic, calls for more commitment from Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). It would now be important to finally start the substantive work in the parliamentary procedure in order to finish before the summer session, Mihalic told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Friday editions).

“It would also be important for the Chancellor to publicly emphasize the urgency of this joint coalition project in his process responsibility,” said the Green politician. “We mustn’t leave people in the dark for months now, they need reliability and the ability to plan.” The building energy law is not the initiative of a parliamentary group or a minister but of the progressive coalition as a whole, as the parliamentary manager of the SPD, Katja Mast, rightly pointed out. “The coalition committee and the entire cabinet have also made a clear commitment to this,” said Mihalic. The amendment to the Building Energy Act should have been discussed in the Bundestag for the first time this week. However, the FDP reported content-related concerns and blocked it from being placed on the agenda.


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