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Inje University signed an agreement with GMJECO to nurture semiconductor manpower :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Inje University signed an agreement with GMJECO to nurture semiconductor manpower :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Job placement for joint technology development

Inje University-JEMJECO Agreement

[김해=뉴시스] Reporter Kim Sang-woo = Inje University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation and JMJECO Co., Ltd. (CEO Choi Yun-hwa) announced on the 26th that they had signed an agreement to develop the semiconductor industry and nurture professional manpower.

The agreement contains contents such as ▲joint research for technology development and resolution of difficulties ▲support for members’ education, use of mutual facilities or affiliated institutions, ▲employment placement and field training for students.

Hyung-ho Cho, Vice President of External Affairs at Inje University, said, “Through the agreement with GMJECO, I hope that local industries and universities will break down barriers and exchange with each other to become a leader in presenting a mutual growth model.”

Choi Yoon-hwa, CEO of GMZECO, said, “JMZECO Co., Ltd. moved its headquarters and research center from Bucheon to the radiation medicine and science industrial complex in the southeastern region of Gijang-gun last year, and is operating power semiconductor package R&D and assembly lines in earnest.”

In addition, he added, “We have hired about 80 new personnel, including those from Inje University.”

Inje University is playing a role as a central institution for nurturing semiconductor talent in the Gyeongsangnam-do area with a total of 1.01 billion won in 2023 for the semiconductor major track project.

As a leading domestic company in manufacturing technology for power semiconductor module packages, which is a key component for improving the performance and efficiency of electric vehicles, GMJECO develops power semiconductors for electric vehicles and exports them to the world‘s top 10 power semiconductor companies.

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