Home » Cycle, can it be stopped and delayed? It’s dangerous? Everything you need to know

Cycle, can it be stopped and delayed? It’s dangerous? Everything you need to know

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Cycle, can it be stopped and delayed?  It’s dangerous?  Everything you need to know

Can the cycle be blocked? Is it possible to delay or stop it? If many are wondering, here’s what the experts say.

It must have happened to everyone at least once in their life that they have organized their summer holidays and come face to face with a fear that has come true: the Menses! Going on vacation with the menstrual cycle is not actually a drama, but some women suffer from abdominal cramps, headaches and chronic fatigue, conditions that certainly don’t allow them to enjoy the sea and the sun peacefully.

That’s why, with the warm season approaching, young and old wonder if it is possible to delay the onset of menstruation, the answer is yes but we must make a necessary premise. In fact, there are hormone-based drugs on the market that allow you to temporarily block menstruation, but these are drugs that should only be taken if prescribed by your doctor. The wisest thing to do, therefore, is to ask for the help of a professional.

Can menstruation be blocked?

So if you are looking for systems that can “save” your holidays, you need to contact a gynecologist. Through careful analysis and clinical evaluation, the expert will be able to indicate what to do. It is not always possible to take drugs capable of postponing the arrival of menstruation, for this reason it is essential that the expert decides whether or not to proceed with the intake.

To relieve period-related discomfort, try these techniques! (tantasalute.it)

However, there are some natural strategies that allow you to relieve the annoying symptoms related to menstruation.
The first is to practice one sport laysor which allows the release of beneficial substances in the body such as to guarantee an immediate sense of well-being.

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A second strategy is to do good sex or to practice the autoeroticism! In fact, doctors believe that with the achievement of orgasm there is a distension of the uterine muscles.

In the event that one of the circumstances most feared by women really occurs, namely that of finding oneself at the sea with menstruation, there is no reason to despair! There are some small techniques to rely on. If you have a light flow and few pains and discomforts, just avoid exposure during the hottest hours of the day and pay particular attention to intimate hygiene.

If, on the other hand, menstruation should be abundant and the discomfort associated with it stronger, you can contact your doctor and ask him which is the most suitable medicine to take.

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