Home » Administrative 2023, Berlusconi radiant: the good governance of the center-right prevails

Administrative 2023, Berlusconi radiant: the good governance of the center-right prevails

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Administrative 2023, Berlusconi radiant: the good governance of the center-right prevails

“The good governance of the centre-right prevails once again and strengthens the action we are leading in leading the nation. Good job to the newly elected mayors!”. It is a smiling Silvio Berlusconi who comments on the result of the local elections and the ballots that saw the center-right triumph. “The run-off round of the administrative elections – says the Knight in a note – brings great satisfaction to Forza Italia and the centre-right. Let’s snatch from the left, for the first time in history, the Municipality of Ancona, the only regional capital to vote. We conquer Brindisi and confirm ourselves in Catania, Massa, Pisa and Siena”.

The comment from Paolo Barelli, group leader in the Chamber of the Azzurri, also arrived at Forza Italia: “The center-right swept the administrative elections, confirming itself as a solid coalition and a clear majority in the country. Today’s results reward our good governance, the quality of the candidates chosen and the quality of our proposals. The instrumental and useless polemics of the oppositions, the inconsistency of their contentious actions, have been soundly rejected. Forza Italia – continues Barelli – once again confirms itself as decisive, we have wrested important cities from the center-left, such as Brindisi, where ours is the first party with six councilors, and Ancona, where Daniele Silvetti, a candidate sky blue. In the country there is a desire for Forza Italia, the return to the field of President Berlusconi, after difficult weeks, engaged in the reorganization of the party, has marked a turning point, giving us the right boost and the necessary jolt to think big again. With so many mayors and municipal councilors elected, Forza Italia confirms itself as a government force, proving the ability of our movement to intercept the needs and requirements of citizens. This electoral round – concludes the president of the Azzurri deputies – gives us the right sprint to continue on this path, carrying on our battles for which the citizens have trusted us and continue to trust us”.

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