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5 exercises to make it toned

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5 exercises to make it toned

It’s time for tops, swimsuits, sleeveless dresses…toned arms! Here are the right exercises to say goodbye to flaccid arms…

L’summer comes and with her the worry of poorly toned arms. When the season of vests, sexy tank tops and open-arm dresses begins we start looking in the mirror, we famous salt test and we realize that, that loose skin of the arm muscles, there is and it shows! That annoying skin sway also called arms outstretched removes from our desires every type of sleeveless dress even the one we like best! As always, however, anything is possible enough have good will, patience and constancy and bring back the right tone to the arms for a killer sleeveless. It must be said, for all those who are afraid that, doing arm exercises they will become too muscular, that this is impossible because the female body is not made to be big and muscular and therefore no one can ever become Schwarzenegger. It’s also important to know that to achieve the goal of toned arms you don’t need to lift very heavy weights, but rather consistently follow a training program. Let’s see specifically which are the most suitable exercises to make the arms more toned…

Cardio fitness: the ideal way to train all muscles and not just the legs


A complete workout that not only tones the legs but also the whole torso including the arms is definitely the best cardiofitness. We are talking about any type of activity from jumping rope to jogging, from step to aerobics, as long as it is a cardio activity. Go to gym, swimming, fit boxing it helps a lot to firm up the arms and reshape them. To get good results it is important to do it for 3/4 weeks for 30 to 45 minutes.

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Push-ups: many different ways for a unique and amazing result

push ups

A very effective exercise for arms are push-ups. There are numerous types of push-upsyou can make just one or by mixing several types of push-ups for an amazing result. At first, for example, it is recommended to do plank, that is long aligned keep arms raised for about a minute. Starting right from the plank it’s easier to become familiar with an exercise that will improve shoulder stability and keep your arms more active. Once the strength has improved, it is possible to start with the second exercise that of classic pushups. If you want to opt for a flex that improves the tone of the triceps from the position lying on the ground, place your hands closer to your chest, under your shoulders, so that your arms and grip are tighter, slowly descend towards the ground keeping your torso in line with your shoulders and legs. It is important that the body is as straight as a board, with no bending down or arching up. The only part of the body that should bend in the exercise should be the arms. For best results, try to shape your exercise paces. In particular, descend towards the ground very slowly, until you touch the floor. The ascent phase can instead be carried out more naturally.

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The shoulder press: the lifting that consistently produces excellent results

arm exercises

Il lift it’s a pretty common exercise for those who aim to remove the curtain arms, the more they are evident the more it is necessary to do more repetitions. When it comes to curtain arms, it must first of all be said that the most affected muscle is the triceps brachii an underdeveloped part that makes this muscle band not very toned. If you have the opportunity to do these exercises at the gym or buy weights you can take them weights ranging from 1 to 4 kgif you don’t have them you can use some water bottles of one or two liters depending on your level. The first exercise is what it is called in jargon shoulder press. From a standing position, with a dumbbell in your right hand and right arm extended by your side, lift out to the side by lifting the weight along your side to reach shoulder height. Then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.

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The curl to press: the exercise that trains biceps

arm exercises

The second is the curl to press. Starting from a standing position, take a pair of dumbbells, one in each hand, keeping the arms extended towards the thighs and keeping the elbows close to the sides, bend the arms towards the chest until the weights are at shoulder height, with the wrists facing the chest. Rotate your palms outward and bring the weights up over your shoulders.

Boxing: The defensive stance for an arm-toning cardio workout

fit boxing

A good way to train your arms and at the same time make a cardio activity is to do the boxing defense stance. With your knees relaxed and your feet shoulder-width apart, get into the typical defense position with your arms at 90°, bringing your hands into fists until you cover your chin. Imagine a bag in front of you and hit hard repeatedly while hopping for at least 3 minutes. You can also do this exercise with small weights of 500 g max one kg each.

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