Home » OKI Banjaluka won the RS double crown in sitting volleyball Sports

OKI Banjaluka won the RS double crown in sitting volleyball Sports

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OKI Banjaluka won the RS double crown in sitting volleyball  Sports

The dominance of OKI Banjaluka in the sitting volleyball of Republika Srpska – after winning the cup of the RS Cup, the cup intended for the RS champion was also raised.

Source: Facebook/OKIBL

In the last 14th round of the championship of the Republic of Srpska in sitting volleyball, OKI Banjaluka defeated the city rival IOK Borac 3:1 and with a six-point lead, confirmed the championship title.

After losing the first set, OKI Banjaluka “added gas” and in the remaining three sets relatively easily defeated the city rival!
They showed special dominance in the third set, when they allowed the rival to win only 11 points.

“I believed in the team and expected a similar outcome. We still have the ‘pain’ left of that first set and entering the match in general, which we have to solve before the Euroleague in Italy’s Fermo. It is somewhat understandable, because we are not yet in top form, because we are in the final phase preparation for the Euroleague, so we are still a bit ‘difficult'”, said the coach of the Banja Luka team, Draško Madžar.

The president of the club Novak Grbić pointed out that he is very satisfied with this year’s edition of his team.

“Congratulations to them! So much hard work and training, it’s no wonder that this season the Cup and the championship of Republika Srpska were won,” said Grbić and thanked his friends and sponsors, who help the club’s work, but also emphasized that they have certain financial problems , because European competitions cost too much.

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In the end, he called on the competent institutions and all people of good will to help the most successful sports team of people with disabilities, who have been dominating the sitting volleyball of Republika Srpska and Serbia for more than two decades.


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