Home » Cecilia Moreau described as “irresponsible officials who discuss candidacies and do not bring investments”

Cecilia Moreau described as “irresponsible officials who discuss candidacies and do not bring investments”

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Cecilia Moreau described as “irresponsible officials who discuss candidacies and do not bring investments”

The President of the Chamber of DeputiesCecilia Moreau, today highlighted the results of the trip of the Argentine delegation to China, headed by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massaand celebrated that “the new extension of the Swap because it increases the free availability to 10 billion dollars, which allows our country to have more tools to obtain inputs and alleviate the exchange tension.”

In radio statements, the head of the lower house also stated that “We were struck by the growth that China had in recent years” and clarified that “at no time was the extension of the swap subject to the agreement with the Fund.”

On the other hand, Moreau warned that “I am alarmed that officials, especially the ambassador in Brazil, are not taking care of getting investment in the midst of a difficult economic situation for the country. It seems irresponsible to me that instead of generating government actions they are discussing candidacies”.

“Scioli is ambassador to Brazil and has to make a decision if he is going to be a candidate or continue as an official abroad, but this situation does not correspond while he is campaigning and he does not get credits or development paths for Argentina”, he assured.

In this sense, he confirmed that “on June 10 the Renovation Front will hold its congress and there we will make public the role of our space” and added that “We must order the government coalition and fight to govern and for that you have to order the economy ”.

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Likewise, heThe President of Deputies expressed that “To Sergio (Massa) we must recognize the enormous capacity for work that he has and how he deactivated the bomb that Guzmán left us, the situation is being ordered with all the difficulties that exist because if we go back to recent historical memory there was talk in those days that the Government was ending and even evaluated the possibility of a Legislative Assembly”.

Asked about the candidacies for this year’s elections, Moreau pointed out that “our proposal does not come down to Massa being a candidate or not, I would have loved Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to make another decision, but as a leader and mother I respect her because she is a very personal decision.”

“She is not a candidate because she does not want to, but because she has a judicial and media apparatus on top of her that is permanently punishing her” and explained that “I would like the candidate to be a comrade of the Frente e Todos who can develop a government program with a vocation for build”.

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